[Syrian War]President of Egypt: Maintaining Syria united is very important

As we all know Egypt, after Al-Sisis coup, has been a strong opposing voice and actor to the Muslim Brotherhood expansionist "colour revolutions" but since Egypts Army is one of the few in the world directly funded by US tax dollars Egypt remained on a side and quite silent during the 6-year long Nato-Wahabi-Turkish led terrorist invasion of Syria.

Now that is clear that the foreign terrorists such as branded as "revolutionaries" by western media have failed and that Syria will remain multicultural,plurireligious,tolerant and united it is of great importance that Al-Sisi representing a big regional actor voices support for territorial unity of the Syrian Arab Republic as a key element of a stable region since the next strategy by the defeated powers is right now with Raqqa as the battlefront to try to use the SDF and Kurdish forces as a counter balance power to Damascus trying by all means to avoid a shia axis from Beirut to Teheran that would put in serious trouble the Tel Aviv regime, let's see if the Kurds fall on the western trap.

You can check the President of Egypt words in the link here: http://sana.sy/en/?p=116507

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