[Photo source: ]

Immigration has always been a burden for the western world and an epidemic for the under-developed or developing countries. Who would blame them for protecting their dearest countries against mass migrants? Furthermore, Immigration is a very sensitive topic due to the fact that it affects both the poorest and the strongest or economic buoyant countries.

It's obvious that people migrate to other countries for many reasons. Some take a proper legal path, others take different roots but by so doing ends up risking their lives. Crises, political oppression, war, and poverty are the major contributor to the immigration crisis in the EU but across the globe.

Legal Vs Illegal Immigration

Legal Immigration:
Generally speaking, a foreigner who obtain permission to live, work or study in another country(s) through the visa process are called Legal migrants.

"Illegal immigration (also referred to unauthorized or undocumented immigrants) refers to the migration of people across national borders in a way that violates the immigration laws of the destined country." [ The Center for Media and Democracy, in an Aug. 10, 2008 article, "Illegal Immigration US," available at, stated: ]

Difference between Asylum seekers and Refugees:

Asylum seekers are people who make a formal request for asylum in another country because they fear their life is at risk in their home country.

Refugees are people with a well-founded fear of persecution for reasons of race, religion, nationality, politics or membership of a particular social group who have been accepted and recognized as such in their host country. Put differently, refugees are people who need protection and are escaping from being persecuted in their homeland. This means that if they stay or return to their homeland, they will risk being tortured or killed. Refugees seek protection in safe countries.

Reasons for Chain Migration:

I will explain this with a simple analogy. When there is the shortage of foods for birds in a particular location, they intend to naturally communicate with each other, then join forces and flew to a different location in search of food. Most of the times they end up building nest and make that location their permanent home. That is what chain migration entails.

In essence, it’s what happens when a group of individuals leaves their countries and relocated to well-developed countries in search of a better job and improved a standard of living. " The Developed Countries calls it Chain Migration and the under-developed calls it Brain-Drain".

The case of Syria:

According to [ Syrian ] An estimated 11 million Syrians have fled their homes since the outbreak of the civil war in March 2011. Now, in the sixth year of the war, 13.5 million are in need of humanitarian assistance within the country. Among those escaping the conflict, the majority have sought refuge in neighboring countries or within Syria itself. According to the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), 4.8 million have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt and Iraq, and 6.6 million are internally displaced within Syria. Meanwhile about one million have requested asylum to Europe. Germany, with more than 300,000 cumulated applications, and Sweden with 100,000, are EU’s top receiving countries.

Thousands of Syrian refugees are traveling to Europe, fleeing war in their country and seeking somewhere safe to live. The civil war has been raging in Syria for a long time, but the numbers of refugees heading to Europe has increased substantially in recent years and months.

The question in everyone's mind is why are the "Middle East" countries not accepting a reasonable percentage of the Syrian refugees?... What are the push and pull factors that have led to this surge in people moving to Europe?

Why Europe:

Middle Eastern Countries like Qatar, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Bahrain, and Oman have similar Religious, Political and Social atmosphere like Syria. Then why are they not providing enough support or in other way accepting the majority of Syrian refugees? Most people refused to ask this hard question even when it’s obvious.

Although, 2 million or more Syrian refugees in Europe, think about the impact of such number in the population. In the next 10 years, such number will be at least times 5, making it almost or more than 10 million Syrians/Muslims in Europe.

Put differently, such population will have an obvious and huge impact towards the affairs of the EU countries, more especially Germany, Sweden and United Kingdom. They will influence the religion, Political, Social and the demography of such countries.

Global population projections, 2015 to 2060:

According to Pew Research, [Source: ] Christians were the largest religious group in the world in 2015, making up nearly a third (31%) of Earth’s 7.3 billion people. Muslims were second, with 1.8 billion people, or 24% of the global population, followed by religious “nones” (16%), Hindus (15%) and Buddhists (7%). Adherents of folk religions, Jews and members of other religions make up smaller shares of the world’s people.

Between 2015 and 2060, the world’s population is expected to increase by 32%, to 9.6 billion. Over that same period, the number of Muslims – the major religious group with the youngest population and the highest fertility – is projected to increase by 70%. The number of Christians is projected to rise by 34%, slightly faster than the global population overall yet far more slowly than Muslims.
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As a result, according to Pew Research Center projections, by 2060, the count of Muslims (3.0 billion, or 31% of the population) will near the Christian count (3.1 billion, or 32%). So why not move the Syrian refugees to Europe where they will have a better opportunity and influence in the future. European Refugee is a beta experiment to see how far Religion can influence Continent and nations.
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Conclusion and recommendation:

Immigration is a tearful and sensitive issue for all. There are no right policies put in place by developed countries to combat this epidemic due to political greed, religion, and identity politics. We all understand that it shouldn't be the sole burden of all the well-developed countries to accept all legal/illegal migrants but at the same time, they should put stringent and reasonable policies for immigration.

I'm sorry to say that most of the immigration issues are caused by the iron fist of the West. The Iraq war diver-stated not only that country but the borders as well. As a result, millions flew and thousands died and the unrest have continued.

Furthermore, the immigration policies of the west don't favor the skilled, honest and smart people. In short, if you live in a developing country, the only way to visit a developed country for a holiday is "to lie in your application". Because honestly won't get you a visa. You need an invitation letter just to travel for Tourism. Even when you have a well-paying job or business, still you won't get a visa. As a result, people lie their heart off, employ the services of the so-called immigration experts or agents who in turn will put flames to the lies and will succeed in getting your visa. Now the questions become... If you went through such "HELL" just to get a TOURIST visa would you want to go back home? The answer is definitely NO because you might not get another chance again.

As for the under-developed or developing countries, put your ass together and make your countries admirable. I do understand the "INVISIBLE HANDS" the Western countries who do not want those countries to be successful. Most believed that after Colonisation the Europeans left Africa... NOPE... They only relocated their headquarters to their various countries and have tried teeth and nail to diminish and stunt the development of Africa and Asia.

Finally, I'm not a Geo-political or immigration expert... This is just my observation and honest opinion of the Europe Immigration Chaos and if time is not taken, Europe and the West will become victims of their own making. In as much as immigration helps in shifting political landscape, it's also a weapon against western Ideology.

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