War in Syria

Does no one else find it disturbing how in lock step the Democrats, Republicans and the Main Stream media are in calling for these strikes in Syria? Have we forgotten that there are Russians on the ground there and that Russia still has tons and tons of nukes? What happened to the prudence of the cold war where we did all we could to NOT kill Russians so we didn't spark a nuclear conflict?

Why is everyone so dead set on playing WW3 roulette with Russia over a civil war in Syria? Remember in history class when they taught you about World War 1? It got started because Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated by a Serbian terrorist. I remember reading that and thinking wow what a stupid reason to start a World War that killed millions upon millions of people.

Yet... here we are... risking a conflict that is orders of magnitude more destructive than WW1 over a civil war in freaking Syria.

I sure hope this doesn't escalate.

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