The White Helmets... disappeared from Douma

Reporting in The Independent on his trip to Douma, the scene of the alleged chemical attack on April 7, 2018, Robert Fisk had this to say:

"a woman told us that every member of the White Helmets in Douma abandoned their main headquarters and chose to take the government-organised and Russian-protected buses to the rebel province of Idlib with the armed groups when the final truce was agreed."

If Fisk's information is correct, why did the White Helmets leave? It would have nice to have them there until the OPCW arrived in Douma so they could document that alleged Russian tampering with the evidence that the US government is now so big on. Wouldn't it? So why didn't they? To make this anomaly fit the Western narrative you would have to argue that the terrorists that the White Helmets left with are not really terrorists after all.

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