Ghouta and East-Aleppo - Different City, Same Story

These having doubts on what is happening in Eastern Ghouta would do  good watching the video linked here. In it, you see that even women are  guilty of launching rudimentary bombs on Damascus. Their veils use the  rebel interpretation of the Syrian flag: Green, Red, Black as opposed to  Red, Green, Black the government uses. Although, from their  accents, we know these women are Syrians, we do also know that if you  are not part of the rebels, your life is worthless. If these women  think about their children - much like we like to think they do - they  might have a short-sighted view of getting food to their offspring in  their minds on the short run.

Fact is, these "hell cannons" are fired quite indiscriminately at  targets inside the greater Damascus area where they'll hit innocent  citizens more than they'll hurt the government's army protecting the  country. These cannons are a far cry away from the precision bombings  the Russians tend to use against identified pockets of dangerous  resistance throughout Syria. One mustn't forget the Americans too pride  themselves on "precision bombs" - they already did so when they started  destabilizing the entire region with their "shock and awe"-campaign in  Iraq now 15 years ago. Fact is, launching missiles  indiscriminately on civilians using rudimentary iPad and compass to  target, could be seen as as bad as a precision strike on a rebel  stronghold. These women are in the wrong area, held by the wrong group  which is supported by the KSA and if they don't "roll" with the current  "leaders", they're bound to pay $100 for a kilo of rice. They're in  between a rock and a hard place.  

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