Sounds like someone wants to bring Syria some freedom. 🦅


How Many Times Will the World Fall for It Before We Say, "No More".

The ongoing wars in the Middle East have done little more than destabilize the region and yet once again the saber rattles are being rattled. While Obama was president of the US the people of the world made it clear that we did not want the US to enter a war in Syria. We all know the proxy wars that were fought in Syria as the US Supplied one side and the Russians the Syrian gov.

Now we have Trump repeating the process. We have a supposed gassing of civilians which makes little sense on the part of Assad and the worlds media outlets are all over it. I swear it is like Deja Vu.

Question, "Do You Feel the World is a Safer Place Post Saddam (Iraq) and Qaddafi (Libya)?"

  1. Yes, These animals deserved to die horrible deaths.
  2. No, their deaths caused mayhem to rein across the Middle East.

This is How the President of the USA Handles Diplomacy Nowadays.

2018-04-11 22_05_22-Donald J. Trump on Twitter_ _Russia vows to shoot down any and all missiles fire.png

Trump Stop Spamming Twitter!

Telling the Truth Once Again.

Just How They Like It.

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