The White Helmets in Canada

The White Helmets are in Canada. This is something that the Canadian media and Government has been proud to say is a success, a prime example of Canada's place in the world, rescuing those in need around the world. A lovely narrative, if only it were true. The truth is the White Helmets are associated with terrorist organisations based in the middle east. Specifically, the White Helmets are an affiliate group of Al Nusra, who themselves are an affiliated group of Al-Qaeda. Al-Qaeda themselves have praised the White Helmets, but not for the reasons you might think. They do not praise the White Helmets for their humanitarian works, but because they are working behind the scenes to further the goals of these groups. Abu Jaber, leader of Tahrir al-Sham, (which is one of the smaller terrorist groups that make up the network that is Al-Qaeda) has been on the record as saying "a message of thanks and gratitude to the hidden soldiers of our revolution. On top of the list are the parents of the martyrs and the men of the White Helmets."

This says a lot, but there is a lot more evidence to show that the White Helmets are not the heroes as they are portrayed. A lot of photographic evidence is available for people to see that the members of the White Helmets are active in combat roles, not humanitarian work. We can see from this image that members of the White Helmets are posing with weapons, on the battlefield and with other armed combatants. This should destroy any notion that the White Helmets are a peaceful, humanitarian group. Ho wabout a few more?

White Helmets celebrating victory on the battlefield next to Al-Qaeda, waving the ISIS flag. We all know of the terrors that ISIS inflicted on the people of Iraq and Syria. Yet Western media and governments praise this group, despite all of the information available to them. I ask you, if all this information can be found online, by a simple blogger such as myself, then undoubtedly this information is known and available to our governments. This has not stopped them from pouring millions of dollars into the group through as well as millions through private donors and NGOs.

Why are the White Helmets in Canada? And why are they financed by all these Western countries?
The Israeli Defence Force went into Syria and evacuated the White Helmets, resettling them in Jordan. From there, they were shipped off to several countries, including Canada, the UK and Germany. Why didn't Israel take on these refugees? Since it was their operation, they should have been the one to offer them asylum, yet even when they evacuated them from Syria, they were immediately dropped into Jordan. Israel has never taken on refugees, always sending them off to other countries. Why would Israel help a group of terrorists?
This next part is my theory on the matter:
It seems to me that the reason for this has to do with the Greater Israel Plan. The plan was laid out that the promised land and Israel would extend from the Nile to the Euphrates River. The destabilisation of Syria benefits the Israeli government for this reason, and the White Helmets have been complicit in that, from spreading propaganda to taking on an active combat role. This is why we hear so much about the Syrian government and Russian forces in the area have been bombing their own people. It was the White Helmets that reported that the Douma "Chemical Attack" that took place in April last year was conducted by Bashar Al-Assad, despite the fact they have already given up their chemical weapons. The only reference for this chemical attack taking place was the White Helmets. Assad had no reason to gas his own people, considering the war was winding down and gassing his own people would only inflame world tensions towards his government.
Israel has also maintained that they are not involved in combat roles in Syria, but have repeatedly bombed any base where Iranian forces have been located. Iran and Russia were invited by Al-Assad into Syria to assist them since they are allies. US troops and Israel were not, and from the point of view of the Syrians, are invaders helping Rebel Forces to overthrow the Syrian government. This would not be the first time that Israel and America have used proxy groups to fight their battles for them. Israel is trying to be the dominant force in the middle east, and the destabilisation of Syria would benefit them, just like the destabilisation of Iraq did. The Yinon plan lays out a blue print of the middle east for Israel in the 1980s, and it is surprising how much of this is happening today. For the West Bank, it states that Israel must "squeezing the Palestinians out of the West Bank..allowing only enough of them to remain for work". For Iraq, it believed that the Iran–Iraq War would split up Iraq, whose dissolution should be a strategic Israeli aim, and the emergence of three ethnic centres, of Shiites governing from Basra, the Sunni from Baghdad, and the Kurds with a capital in Mosul, ehich was the case after the US invasion of Iraq in 2003.
Many people believe that ISIS was created by the Israeli Mossad and the CIA. I have not spent a lot of time researching this topic yet, so I can neither confirm or deny this, but what is interesting is that despite their proximity to Israel, they never launched an attack against Israel, neither directly or through terrorist attacks, even saying in an article in their magazine al-Naba on March 15th 2016 that they had no interest in Israel, yet have supplied and planned out attacks on European and North American countries.
I don't know for sure, but as I research more and more into the White Helmets and Israel's plans for the middle east, the more and more I begin to believe that this is all orchestrated. And there is only one country that benefits from Syria being overthrown and for the actions the White Helmets and many other of these terrorist organisations are doing....

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