Is synthetic biological assimulation part of global depopulation?

@Rebelskum's 2017 steemit post ( ) prophetically revealed that provides news and intelligence on international military aviation and advanced technologies. The website publishes articles dating back to 2003, however, little is known about the actual owners.

Katherine Horton (KH) revived this year-old steemit post; KH offers practical remedies for targeted individuals with a global "Inform the Neighbor" campaign and launches this month. The campaign ( ) informs the neighbourhood of the victims of the genocidal programs that the Secret Services are conducting using Directed Energy Weapons. Within KH's calculates the projected depopulation figures for United States, United Kingdom, Germany and Switzerland: In further reviewing Deagel's website, there were island nations that were not subjected to depopulation, ie Cook Islands and US Samoa. On the other hand, Samoa is expected to double its population:

https://www.ETHz.CH/en.html reseachers describe the Network of Global Corporate Control (NoGCC) using computational analysis ( ). NoGCC connects to those (listed below) with plausible deniability, also known as The United States Of America hijackers ( The inner circle includes:
John Browne
Richard Haass
Harold Ford
Robert Zoellick
Klaus Kleinfeld
Donald E Graham
Timothy C Colins
George Shultz
Jaap de Hoop Scheffer
Thomas E Donilon
Paul Wolfowitz
James B Steinberg
William Bundy
John C Whitehead
Henri de Castries
Jessica Tuchman Mathews
Bill Clinton
Lawrence H Summers
William J McDonough
Roger C Altman
Henry Kissinger
Josef Ackermann
John Deutch
James Wolfensohn
Queen Beatrix I
Vin Weber
Richard C Holbrooke
David Rockefeller
Tom Daschle
Bill Kristol
Peter Sutherland
Martin Feldstein
Neelie Kroes
Joaquin Almunia
Richard Perle
Fouad Ajami
George J Mitchell
Lynn Forester de Rothschild
Bertrand P Collomb
Frank H Pearl
Frank J McKenna
Craig Mundie
Melinda Gates
George Soros
Dianne Feinstein
Carl Bildt
Rozanne L Ridgway
Henry Kravis
Marshall A Cohen
Tom McKillop
Henry M Paulson
Timothy F Geithner
Kenneth Clarke
Eric Schmidt
Katherine Graham
Conrad Black
David Gergen
Peter Mandelson
Marie-Josée Kravis
Vernon Jordan
Jean-Claude Trichet
William F Buckley
Burnett R Rubin
Stephen Friedman
Gianni Agnelli
Paul Allaire
James A Johnson
Ben Bernanke

Another possibility is that AI assimulation, as portrayed in Matrix Revolutions (2003), where Agent Smiths assimulate Seraph, Sati and the Oracle. If assimulation is consensual via C-60 products, which contain nanocomponents capable of bypassing the blood brain barrier, then depopulation is a non-issue. For additional information on "C60 as DNA/RNA interrupter (to man's progress) and/or disrupter (for AI control)", please click link Please also note Sati's age is about seven. 2025 is seven years away.

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