Synopsis Song of The Sea Animation Movie

The Song of the Sea story is based on the ancient Celtic myth and tells of the adventures of two siblings, Ben and Saoirse. The two live in a lighthouse that lights the sea with their father Connor, who is still desperate and saddened by his wife's loss a few years earlier. Although Ben was aware of his responsibilities as an older brother, he easily became frustrated with Saoirse, who was only six years old but could not speak a word.

The Song of The Sea is an animated film directed by Tomm Moore. The previous director also produced a children's animated film by presenting stunning visual animation graphics in The Secret of Kells in 2009, which was nominated for an Oscar at the time. Song of the Sea is an Irish children's story about the adventures of an older brother to heal a sick brother, the film has a beautiful visual style. Smooth CGI imaging is able to improve hand-drawn animation by hand, giving the impression of this film to look amazingly modern. In addition, Moore conveyed many things with a little conversation, preferring to let his character's rich surroundings, and the nuances of body language that speak represent the characters in the film.

When Saoirse found the clam flute that used to belong to their mother, he could create a riveting music that became a means of communication and a magical secret key that was locked away in their mother's past. One night Saoirse was taken to sea by a group of seething seals, the seal wearing his mother's shiny, mystical coat. Apparently, then in the know that Saoirse is a very beautiful white Selkie. Selkie is a mythological creature that can live as a human being while in the land and become a seal while in the sea. Saoirse also travels with his brother Ben through various things and Ben must overcome his greatest fear so that all mysteries can be solved and complete their mission. Because if Saoirse still cannot speak a bad thing will happen. (see the movie for details).

In the movie Song of The Sea a lot of differently animated depictions in general, and very beautiful. Some of the characters that appear among other funny sea creatures and some fairies. The Celtic tradition that Tomm Moore wishes to convey and re-live in "Song of the Sea" is very interesting to watch. Voiced in the film is also able to present the characters in sound it to feel real. The portrayal of Song of the Sea to a world of imaginations filled with magical things is a film with a high artistic nuance.

Song of the Sea is not about selling movies in good demand, it's about a story of heart, emotion, admiration and the work of a great work of art. This film therefore becomes a beautiful work of art that will delight both old and young audiences, as well as confirming what many people suspect against Tomm Moore's work after the filming of The Secret of Kells. Tomm Moore is a storyteller and many people will wait for him to keep on telling stories, keep on telling and keep working.

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