Rideshare Driving Brings Incredible Synchronicities

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Despite the fact that I've only been driving for Lyft for about a month, I've already had a few very meaningful coincidences occur, which I thought were worth sharing.

The first happened around my first week of driving on a Saturday morning. I turned on the app and received a rideshare request fairly close to my house. I picked up two young guys who had been up most of the night, and were needing a ride over to their friend's place. They were heading there because they were watching their friend's horses for the week, and needed to give them their morning meal.

We started talking about farming and agriculture, and how we were both interested in becoming more involved in food production. When I arrived at their place, they invited me back to check out the property and help feed the horses. I almost never get the opportunity to be around horses, so why not! It turns out their friend's property is a badass piece of land. They even have a geodesic greenhouse in back, which I had to take a quick picture of:

I spent a few minutes hanging out there before taking off on another request. I wanted to get their number to reconnect, but we didn't get around to exchanging info. I ended up doing several Lyfts all over town before heading to buy Red Rocks concert tickets at the one place that allows you to avoid the excessive service fees from AXS.

I got in line, and overheard a few familiar voices in my vicinity. I looked ahead at the people in line, and wouldn't you know...it was the guys I had given a Lyft earlier in the day! We both were stunned to find out that some how, some way, our days had led us to that exact part of the city and the same time. Clearly, our paths were meant to cross again. I ended up giving them a ride back to their friend's place, off the app since I was headed back home anyways.

The second insane synchronicity that occured happened earlier today. My girlfriend and I were discussing a piece of land for sale that she had found in Bailey, which is a very small town about 40 miles outside of Denver. We are considering purchasing land to build a cabin/sustainable home somewhere outside the city, and discussed the specifics of this particular property in relation to building code and logistics.

Immediately after we finished talking, I turned the app on and got a request a few blocks from our house. A man and his elderly mother got in the car, and off we went to an auto repair shop so he could pick up his car. I started with the usual small talk conversation, and discovered that he was in the business of flipping houses.

It turns out, he has property in Bailey that he is developing with the intent of building a few houses to sell. I was amazed with the coincidence, and told him that we were considering purchasing land in the Bailey area.

He asked me what part of town, and when I told him the street, he realized that the piece of land I was looking at was on the very same street and the same block as the land he was developing. I proceeded to ask him a variety of questions about building code in Park County, and the logistics of building a home.

Both of these situations make me believe that by doing Lyft, and opening myself up to random people/situations, I open myself up to these connections in ways that wouldn't normally occur if I weren't constantly interacting with strangers. I can't explain why these situations happened, but I understand that they have significance beyond my comprehension.

P.S. Funny enough, I found the first image while searching for 'synchronicity' on Google images , and when I found one that fit I realized it originated from Steemit. Hmm...

If you are interested in driving for Lyft, you can do so using my code.

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