The History of the Sultan Iskandar Muda (King of Aceh) and a thousand elephant force.

Sultan Iskandar Muda was the most influential King of the Kingdom of Aceh. He was born in Aceh in 1593. His first name is Mighty Nature. On the mother's side, Sultan Iskandar Muda is a descendant of King Darul-Kamal, while on the father's side he is a descendant of Raja Makuta Alam, his mother is named Putri Raja Indra Bangsa, or other name Paduka Shah Alam, who is the son of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah, Sultan Aceh 10th.
Princess Indra Bangsa married Sultan Mansyur Syah, son of Sultan Abdul Jalil (who is the son of Sultan Alauddin Riayat Syah al-Kahhar, the 3rd Sultan of Aceh). So, actually the father and mother of Sultan Iskandar Muda are equally heirs of the kingdom. source

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Sultan Iskandar Muda married a daughter of the Pahang Sultanate, better known as Putroe Phang. From the results of this marriage, Sultan Iskandar Muda blessed with two children, namely Meurah Pupok and Princess Safiah. It is said, because too much love of the Sultan with his wife, Sultan ordered the construction of Gunongan in the middle of the Khayali Field (Palace Garden) as a sign of his love. Reportedly, the princess is always sad because it harbor a very longing homesick hometown. Therefore the Sultan built Gunongan to cure the miss of the princess. Until now Gunongan still can be witnessed and visited.
The journey of Sultan Iskandar Muda to Johor and Melaka in 1612 stopped at a Tajung (meeting of Asahan and Silau river) to meet King Simargolang. Sultan Iskandar Muda eventually married one of the princesses of King Simargolang who later blessed with a son named Abdul Jalil (who was crowned as Sultan Asahan).
Sultan Iskandar Muda began to occupy the throne of the Kingdom of Aceh at a fairly young age (14 years). He reigned in the kingdom of Aceh between 1607 and 1636, or just for 29 years. When he began to assume the post of king became a debate among historians. However, referring to Bustan al-Salatin, he was declared sultan on 6 Dhul-Hijjah 1015 H or around Early April 1607.
The reign of Sultan Iskandar Muda is known as the most glorious period in the history of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. He is known to be very skilled in building the Kingdom of Aceh into a kingdom of Strong, Great, and not only respected by other Kingdoms in the archipelago, but also by the outside world. During his reign, the Kingdom of Aceh belongs to the Five Greatest Kingdoms in the World.
The main step taken by Sultan Iskandar Muda to strengthen the kingdom is to build an army that is generally filled with young soldiers. Sultan Iskandar Muda once conquered Deli, Johor, Bintan, Pahang, Kedah, and Nias from 1612 to 1625.
Sultan Iskandar Muda is also very concerned about the order and rules of the royal economy. In the royal territory there is a transit bandar (Kutaraja, now better known as Banda Aceh) which is so strategic that it can connect the royal trade wheel with the outside world, especially the West. Thus, of course the kingdom's economy is very helpful and increased sharply.
According to the Aceh tradition, Sultan Iskandar Muda divides the Aceh region into an administrative region called Ulèëbalang and Mukim, this is confirmed by the report of a French explorer named Beauliu, that "Iskandar Muda cleared almost all the old nobles and created new nobles." Mukim was originally a collection of several villages to support a mosque led by an Imam (Imeum). Ulèëbalang (Hulubalang) was at first perhaps the chief subordinate of the Sultan, who was awarded the Mukim Sultan, to manage as Feodal Owner.


Sultan Iskandar Muda is known to have very good relations with Europe. It is said that he had established good communication with England, Holland, France and Turkey Ustmaniyah. For example, in the 16th century Sultan Iskandar Muda once established a harmonious communication with the British Empire at that time held by Queen Elizabeth I. Through his envoy, Sir James Lancester, Queen Elizabeth I began the contents of a letter delivered to Sultan Iskandar Muda. The following is the excerpt of the contents of Sultan Iskandar Muda's letter, which is still kept by the government to date, dated 1585:

I am the mighty ruler of the Regions below the wind, Who holds sway over the land of Aceh and over the land of Sumatra and over all the lands tributary to Aceh, which stretch from the sunrise to the sunset. source

A thousand Elephant Forces

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When Iskandar Muda was four years old, his grandfather gave him a golden elephant and a golden horse for the game, two bellies that could fight, then a gasing and panta (gusok) of gold or from the flames.
When he was five years old, his grandfather gave him a son of an elephant named Indra Jaya as a playmate. Age seven years, he's been hunting wild elephants.
At that time, wild elephants were hunted not to be killed and then taken tusks, but to be tamed. After the tame, the best elephants and the greatest elephants made sultan, while the rest for the fleet of war.
And when Iskandar Muda became king, he had the best ability to tame and treat elephants. The elephant became the pride of the Sultan's pride. If the sultan drove an elephant, his subordinates had to ride a horse, and vice versa.
Since childhood Iskandar Muda has also been credited with the tales of Iskandar Zulkarnain who also has an army of giants by Admiral Keumala Hayati, commander of the army.
Not surprisingly later King Iskandar Muda had a cavalry warrior who numbered up to 1,000 troops. This elephant army was used to equip the infantry, cavalry and artillery artillery owned by Sultan Iskandar Muda.
Aceh Darussalam at that time was the only kingdom in the archipelago with an army of 1,000 elephants. The elephants are also used for war fleets as well as for guest reception.
The elephants also used the Sultan Iskandar Muda to fortify his palace. Hundreds of elephants are trained to destroy and fight so they do not fear the sound of the rifle. Iskandar Muda who loves this animal gives names to each elephant. He also respected the most elaborate and most trained elephants.
Even though unfortunately he was with elephants, it was also told when the elephants were walking outside, he would order his men to bring an umbrella to them. source

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Battle elephants are usually placed in the middle of the line, where they are used to withstand enemy attacks or to attack attacks. Its large size and its frightening appearance make elephants as heavy cavalry quite useful. Outside the battlefield, elephants are useful for carrying heavy warfare. Elephant attacks can reach speeds of around 30 km / h (20 miles / hour). Unlike horse cavalry, elephants can not be easily stopped by the infantry. Elephant attacks are purely purified. The elephants attacked enemy front lines and trampled the enemy soldiers while swaying the trunk. Unprecedented soldiers are usually thrown. In addition, elephants can trigger fears on troops who are not used to fighting elephants. Terror caused by elephants will make the enemy's defensive line break out and disperse. Horses that are not accustomed to the smell of elephants can also panic when dealing with elephants. In addition to attacks, elephants also provide a safe and stable place for archers to fire their arrows on the battlefield. The elephants were also used by Sultan Iskandar Muda to conquer several areas in Sumatra and the peninsula of Malaya. It has even been used to invade the Portuguese in Malacca. Until the war of indigenous troops in Aceh was still used by KNIL forces. Now the image of the white elephant (Gajah Puteh) is used as Iskandar Muda Kodam symbol.source

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