Swordfish PizzaGate Leaks Begin? Chester Bennington & Chris Cornell, the FAPE Art Program

Swordfish PizzaGate Leaks Begin? Chester Bennington & Chris Cornell, the FAPE Art Program

SwordFish Leaks & Open Letter:

This is the open letter, which lead to the "leak". I covered this in this steemit post previously:

Swordfish Open letter Source

In this video below I will be going over what is known as the "Swordfish PizzaGate leaks". I wanted to cover this leak by "Swordfish69" that was supposed to provide documented evidence to end the whole Child Trafficking / Pedophilia elite networks. However the leak itself, provided no such thing, yet. Maybe more is to come, maybe not, however we will go over what was "leaked" anyways.

The leak shows a connection to an underground Los Angeles group of music artists tied to Comet Ping Pong, that all have imagery of Pizzas, Satanism and more that are very similar to James Alefantis's Instagram. People included in this are Miley Cyrus, who has a loose connection to Chris Cornell.

Here are the links to the VOAT Swordfish Leaks: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2015796

More "Swordfish Leaks" Links: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/comments/2013595

The FAPE The Foundation for Art and Preservation of Embassies PizzaGate Connection

Hillary at FAPE Image Source

Art Embassy Program Connected to PizzaGate called "FAPE" The Foundation for Art and Preservation of Embassies. This is an important link: https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/6jcxo7/art_in_embassies_program_gave_podestas_jeff_koons/

Tony Podesta at FAPE Image Source

Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell Friends, RIP:

I also covered the friendship between Chester Bennington and Chris Cornell and what looks like their similar and strange murders. I ended the livestream playing this performance where the two friends performed live on stage.

RIP to both of them: Live Video Performance Chester and Chris

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