Hi guys, my name is lostprophet.
As many of you know, I have been involved in the SWIFTCASH project from the beginning as moderator and content translator for the Italian community.

Outside cryptospace I'm an electronic engineer and I've been working for a big multinational country since 2014 as Product Manager for low voltage high power frequency converter (drives)

About crypto:I would define myself a rookie of cryptocurrency, as this is the first project that I am involved directly.
As the other guys, all the time and the work i did for swiftcash has been done for free and you can see some of my articles, here on steemit, or using find button in discord swiftcash channel.

I don't want to bother you with useless words, here's what I propose:

1)to create clear contents for the italian community, starting from article already written by the other guys, but also new contet made by myself. Contents will be posted on steemit and relaunched on discord telegrame etc etc
2)to manage and moderate italian channel in discord
3)to create telegram channel and twitter account for ita swiftcash
4)to help people in discord in case they need basic assistance with stake, wallet and node set up.
5)to promote Swiftcash in one of the most important italian website forum (finanzaonline)

My main purpose is to increase Swiftcash cryptocurrency adoption in Italy, as in the next future in Italy economic situation will not be very stable. At the moment we are suffering the big spread beetwen risk premium (so called spread) between 10-year italian bond (ITAGER10), and the benchmark, 10-year German bond (bund) or 10-year U.S Treasury bond (T-bond). Risks Premiun is said "Premio per il rischio" in italian. Also, the decision of Mario Draghi, who is an Italian economist serving as the President of the European Central Bank since 2011 to begin to process of stopping the quantitative easing plan also known as large-scale asset purchases that is an expansionary monetary policy whereby a central bank buys predetermined amounts of government bonds or other financial assets in order to stimulate the economy and increase liquidity. Next months will be, let me say, challenging.......but....
I think that these are the best condition to begin, now, real adoption within italians.

For this activities, I ask 6000 SWIFT / week. Hence 24000 SWIFT /month.
As support is not quantifiable, i can only promise #/article per week. The amount could be 4 articles/ week.

This proposal is valid for 3 months. At the end of this 3 months, you will be able to evaluate my works and then I hope to have the chance to renew the same proposal.


mnbudget vote-many 359be75a0c126d56b752b278e6eb19a8fc4b5e22e00e921affa08b5cad4d69f2 yes

to vote in favor

mnbudget vote-many 359be75a0c126d56b752b278e6eb19a8fc4b5e22e00e921affa08b5cad4d69f2 no

to vote against

Thanks if you vote!....many thanks if you vote yes :-)

Thank you very much!

edit: ver 0.1 - launch proposal
edit: ver 0.2 - modified revenues - fixed html characters
edit: ver 0.3 - fixed proposal

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