Transparency: Current Profits Utilization Model (Subject to Change)

Transparency: Current Profits Utilization Model (Subject to Change)

swedencornet (ICON Sweden) is dedicated for the successful growth of ICON ecosystem, hyperconnecting the world. We believe in bringing together diverse independent blockchians and communities with different governance's to be able to transact with one another.

We intend to do research, develop and deploy blocks production Infrastructure/appliances/nodes, especially in areas currently not represented on the global ecosystem map. Furthermore, we intend to create opportunity for education, training, best practices, and building a support network that cuts across industries and geographical regions.

We will also spend on Charitable Activities to help under-developed regions and people in a meaningful way. Blockchain is for everyone and it can work well in the regions that are un-banked. This will also help in raising awareness about ICON ecosystem and it's Hyperconnecting aspects where it is needed most.


Costs:XXX %
* Operating Costs-
* Capital Costs-

Profits (YYY %) will be utilized as follows:

Profits:(YYY %) will be utilized as follows:
Education/Awareness:25.00% - Social Media, Videos, Meetups, Conferences, Training Materials, Universities, etc.
ICON EUROPE (Subject to Change):15.00% - DECENTRALIZED TREASURY, DApps, Events, to be decided...
Community Building/Marketing:10.00%
Share/AirDrops (building DAC/DApps):15.00% - We will plan to execute Share/AirDrops to build DAC when appropriate.
Emergency/Contingency Fund:10.00%
Reinvestment, Growth, Expansion:10.00%
Charity (unbanked/deserving):5.00% - Charitable Activities to help under-developed regions & people in a meaningful way.
Total (profits – YYY%):100.00%

🍇 Thankyou 🌹
to all ICONists and all other stakeholders. 🤝


Support and VOTE for ICON Sweden

  • Note 1: ✍ This Plan (which is Subject to Change) may be possible in environment when we have long term stability lasting over 12+ months and profits cross over a certain threshold to have enough resources and financial strength to execute them.

  • Note 2: ✍ We are flexible and will consider productive feedback, suggestions, guidance, and advice from stakeholders (including ICONists). So, this is a living document/model/plan and may change based based on environment, circumstances, and wishes of the community.

  • Note 3: ✍ We are thankful to all supporters, stakeholders, and contributors. 🙏 Please you should support only those organizations/teams/activities that you would like to support.

Bribes and Buying Votes

We have strong policy “against” bribes and paying money to buy votes. We do “not” accept any sum of money or other inducement offered or given to bribe someone.


👉 Don't invest more than you can afford to lose!
👉 Perform Self Due Diligence!
👉 We are not your Investment Advisers, nor giving any Financial & Legal Advice! Please consult with your own legal counsel on specific legal questions.
👉 You are 100% responsible for all decisions (including investments) that you make.

🙋‍♀ 🍇 🤝 The END 🤝 🍇 🙋‍♀

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