Swedish Internet Service Provider (ISP) offers 10 Gbit/s for only $35/m

Lightning fast Internet

(Photo by @suizytico)

I thought, this information may be interesting not only for swedish people.

Just read a post in an online newspaper about the swedish ISP called "Bahnhof". You will find the link at the end of my post.

They offer 10Gbit/s fiber optic internet for only $36/month (SEK 298/month). The great thing is, that the 10Gbit/s are not only for Download, but also for Upload. On top of that, they seem to be very engaged in privacy.

With this speed, you could create a hosting company with very little capital in your home.

Ok, here is my question, let's disscuss it:

How is it possible, that they can offer this high-speed service so cheap, where on the other hand, most of us pay an arm and a leg for a crappy Internet connection?



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