Steemit Vision Quest - Angels Among Us

This is so bizarre! Ok so i wrote this poem the night before last. I was feeling melancholic and wanted to write something cheery about fancy dress (id been having fun in a charity shop with my daughter that day).... this came out instead and i ended up sobbing my heart out. I think i needed the cry tbh. Loosely in my head i had two songs going on - the first i forget the title but was about finding a rug in an old junk shop - sung by claire martin, the other was joni mitchell - the last time i saw richard.

I dont know. I just write, memorise, perform. You'll get the angels among us ref at the end. I posted the written version yesterday and @rensoul alerted me to this so i thought id record it. Ive since changed the title from its original - Oh To Dance With Angels to The Great Pretender. I think now i prefer the first title again. Enjoy xxx

Oh To Dance With Angels

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