Ritual Abuse Survivors Speak Out

The Aftermath - Coincidence or Damage Control?

Last week, Nathan Stolpman from Lift the Veilhad several interviews with survivors of ritual abuse on his show. One of them is Michael, who gave this interview a few days ago. He tells of being severely ritually abused as a child and now, as an adult has discovered connections to child trafficking at a shop called Voodoo Donuts, based in Portland Oregon and having several franchises throughout the country. Michael says he met a person at a party in connection with Voodoo Donuts that also worked at Comet Ping Pong in Washington DC for a time.

These kinds of revelations don’t come without a price. Revelations that will impact very rich and powerful people are not the kind that goes unnoticed. So we see the same patterns that we see with most of the people speaking out about being abused, and especially those ritually abused, that they are singled out, targeted, isolated, and everything possible is done to break their spirit. So, if you can, please be supportive.

A day after the interview

The media is already in position for damage control, and one prominent person in particular stood out after Michael disclosed his story. The media and those accused have a different way of handling accusations, they don’t confront them head on and tell you facts, no, they deflect attention in plain sight.

For instance, this tweet from Fiona Barnett (who has been interviewed as well) shows Franklin Graham, the son of Billy Graham (one of her perpetrators) at the Voodoo Donuts shop just one day after Michael came out with his story.

Graham quickly deleted the tweet, but Fiona captured a screen shot before it could disappear forever. Check Fiona Barnett’s tweet and blog post for more information on this incident.

Another strange observation right here in my living room. Late last evening August 5th 2018 there was a travel documentary on television…about Portland Oregon, and the Voodoo Donut shop. One day after the Lift the Veil interview with Michael.

An odd coincidence, an editor’s idea of a joke, or damage control?

Despite these odd occurrences, smear pieces being done to discredit any witnesses, the targeting and attacks, more and more survivors are finding the courage to speak out about their suffering under ritual abuse, and hopefully, people like Fiona Barnett and Michael will inspire other survivors with their courage and strength.

Blessings of Grace, love, and light your way <3

The views and opinions expressed in this blog are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other private person, agency, organization, employer or company.


SRA Survivor Blows Whistle On Child Trafficking - Voodoo Donuts #SurvivorStories

Fiona Barnett w/ Nathan Stolpman #SurvivorStories #PedoWood

David Shurter - Satanic Ritual Abuse Survivor / Franklin Cover Up #SurvivorStories #PedoGate

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