Bear Grylls - "survivor" of all times and peoples


Edward Michael Bear Grylls has an unexpected profession - a survivalist. Surviving in the most inconceivable conditions, he taught television viewers on the channel Discovery until March 2012, when the contract with him was not extended because of some disagreements.

This wiry former commando of the British army from childhood felt like part of nature: climbing on rocks, sailing with his father. As a teenager he received a black belt of karate-shiotokan and is still engaged in ninjutsu and yoga.

Forty-two-year-old Grylls still feels young. He is followed by Eton College and London University. He is firmly married, he has three children.

Active youth ended with the army - three years he served in the British special forces SAS. Usually a supportive fortune in 1996 turned her back - jumping in Zambia with a parachute, he landed unsuccessfully and crushed three vertebrae. One and a half years of rehabilitation, the first months of leg paralysis. Fate gave him the opportunity to survive at any cost.

Instead of resigning to disability and revel in pity, Grylls is not just completely restored, but in May 1998 conquers Everest.

And then there was a complete recovery from injuries and travel - on yachts, hydrocycles, on foot, on an inflatable boat. With a childhood friend, Mick Crostwaite, Grilles floated from Halifax to John O'Groats through storms and icebergs.

Then there followed trips on a steamer over the Himalayas, across Antarctica, a long fall in a vertical wind tunnel and similar feats. I must say, they were all made to raise funds for the children's charity organization Global Angels.

Such a bright and restless person could not help but interest British television. And television was very interested in Bear Grylls. He began his TV-activity with advertising deodorant and breakfast cereals. And in 2005 he created the program "Escape to the Legion", in which he volunteered with the French Foreign Legion in the Sahara Desert.

And already since 2006 the "last scout" finds itself in the popular show "Survive at all costs", which the British, Americans, and then the whole world watched with unflagging interest. It covered an audience of over a billion people, making Discovery channel one of the most popular.

Bear was thrown into hard-to-reach places with a minimum of luggage. Usually it was a knife, a flint, a rope, a jar. And with this minimum he had to get to civilization. Find where to bow your head, what to eat and drink. "Survivor" Grilles coped with the tasks with honor. True, he had to survive really at all costs.

Of the most exotic ways you can call drinking your own urine, eating deer excrement, drinking fecal elephant fluids, using a dead camel as a sleeping bag. Compared to this, Gill's eating of insects is something like traditional English tea.

He believes in God, and what comes out alive from the most dangerous adventures, relates to the divine providence. God always helps him in the most dangerous enterprises.

It is certainly not known what happened in 2012 between the star and the Discovery Channel. But the contract with him was not renewed, and the next season, "Survive ..." collapsed. Further showed that from a protracted dispute the channel, which behaved dishonestly with its stars, cutting them fees.

But the glory of Grylls did not fade. During the stormy TV-activity he wrote a dozen books - survival manuals. His memoirs entitled "Mud, sweat and tears" became a bestseller in the USA, England and Australia. He signed contracts for advertising products and things, a computer game was created under the Man against Wildlife program, and the Grylls clothing line is sold in the best department stores in the world.

The personal wealth of Grylls consists of a private island in Wales, a house in Malibu and a floating house-barge on the Thames, where his youngest son was born.

Adrenaline Grylls comes up with new shows related to survival. One of the bright projects "It could not be worse", where he shows in practice how to remain alive in anthropogenic disasters.

The show "Bear Grylls. A test of fear " was a very popular. The only way to get rid of phobias is to overcome your fear by diving into it with your head. Grylls helps people who are afraid of darkness, height, closed space. Conducts them through dark caves, makes you look into the abyss and withstand her gaze. People really get rid of phobias. And this is the merit of the star "survivor."

The program "Star Survival with Gryls" was attended by American and English celebrities. In January 2016, Barack Obama learned from the Grylls to cope with the difficulties in a difficult campaign.

In 2017, Bear Grylls continues the show on a tropical island, where 16 people gathered, trying to survive without the benefits of civilization. He commands the Bear parade, helping to cope with the heat over 35 degrees and tropical downpours to two teams - from young and elderly participants.

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