Prepping - Doom & Gloom?

Preppers are often branded with having a negative outlook on life and being crazy. Is this true?


In 2005, I was chugging along in life, working as a cop, being a father to my kids, and doing what most people do with their spare time who hail from Generation X. My existence seemed balanced but I yearned for more financial freedom. That's when I found out about Robert Kiyosaki, USMC Veteran, entrepreneur, and much more.

I read this book:


This book was the beginning for me. I later learned that Robert and his wife were expert preppers, fostered environments conducive to homesteading, and helped millions of people around the world to achieve financial education and freedom.

Becoming self-reliant, independent, and free from a system so deeply ingrained into our psyche will not happen overnight. I believe all Stemmians have this potential because we are pioneers to a new age of social media and cryptocurrency. We have been lied to and stolen from in so many ways that if the majority of the population knew the truth, there would be a violent uprising (which I do not condone) but must point out as a potential consequence.


Prepping is an insurance policy to hedge against negative events. In fact, prepping spans across all socioeconomic classes and has occurred for centuries. Most preppers that I regularly communicate with have a positive outlook on life and help others regularly. In fact, most are perfectly sane and not crazy at all.

I would like to share a video with you to introduce my "Founding Father Of Prepping". As you watch the video, I believe Steemians who are armed with a solid yet flexible strategy will eventually fall into the "I quadrant" because the platform has so much growth potential for many years to come.

Images sources:

Video source:

The Rich Dad Channel on YouTube


I am not sponsored, endorsed, or otherwise compensated in any fashion by these sources, however I am a humble Steemian who wishes to bring forth quality content in order to add value to our community.


~ prep4shtf

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