Survival Guide-Part 1-Choose a location

In this first part of my guide to survival in case of the end of our world as we know it, I will approach how to choose a location where we can have enough resources to survive.

Although in principle it may not seem important in the end will be key to the site to protect it. In this position I see two possible scenarios. Or go to a remote place away from everything and look for a place where we can have a panoramic view of the area and put traps or create a community in a block of houses where a lookout per street and in case of attack can react to weather.
In case of choosing a block of houses it is important that it has at least three floors, in order to block doors and windows of the first two floors.

In many self-cultivation guides, they estimate that about 150 square meters of land are needed for a family of four, so I almost took this data as good. I will only add another 50 square meters to make steps for people, store material or a work area, so it is about 50 square meters per person without counting the house.
If you have chosen a block of houses, a large interior patio will NOT allow a place to plant enough to supply many people, but we will use all the interior rooms to plant vertically varieties that do not need much light. The interiors because the less it is visible from the outside better, we will also lose the first two outer floors to fortify and somewhere we will have to live.
Putting an example of an apple of 150 x 150 with an interior patio of 100 × 100 and 5 floors high we would have a patio to supply 200 people, but adding the vertical plantations we would add 50000 square meters, which would total a plantation for supply about 1200 people.
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Although each person drinks about 2 liters of water per day and for 1200 people we would need 2400 liters, we must also think about all the water that will be needed for crops and for cleaning, so we must choose a place where we will have access To a river. In the case of a block of houses that passes an underground river to be able to make a well. How to do it or how to store and sterilize the water I will write in due time in another post.
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