“China Undercover” Exposes Mass Imprisonment and Surveillance of Muslims (PBS Frontline)

Last year U.S. Brig. Gen. Robert S. Spalding warned about how 5G technology was being used in China. From The New Yorker:


In China, which has installed three hundred and fifty
thousand 5G relays—about ten times more than the United States—enhanced
geolocation, coupled with an expansive network of surveillance cameras,
each equipped with facial-recognition technology, has enabled
authorities to track and subordinate the country’s eleven million Uighur
Muslims. According to the Times,
“the practice makes China a pioneer in applying next-generation
technology to watch its people, potentially ushering in a new era of
automated racism.

He warned that 5G could be used this way anywhere. “China Undercover” filmmakers seem to agree. Thanks to PBS and Frontline for this documentary.

The Chinese government has detained an estimated two
million Chinese Muslims in camps, which it describes as “vocational
education and training” centers, over the last three years. Experts have
described it as the largest mass incarceration of an ethnic group since
the Holocaust.

FRONTLINE’s latest documentary, China Undercover, features firsthand accounts from people who were held in the camps,
and investigates the Communist government’s use of surveillance
technology and artificial intelligence to monitor and track Uyghurs and
other Muslims outside the camps in the Xinjiang region.

Producers Robin Barnwell and Gesbeen Mohammad describe what’s
unfolding in Xinjiang as a new model of governance — “digital
authoritarianism” — that is now being exported from China to other

“We are basically seeing, through Xinjiang, a new form of governance
being developed to control humans through technology,” Robin told

“I think people need to realize that this is not just a local story
in Xinjiang, it’s a story that has global implications,” he added. “This
is going have serious implications for human rights and democracy
around the world.”

Two formerly imprisoned Chinese Muslims were also interviewed by filmmakers. Read here how the U.S. has responded to allegations of China’s human rights abuses.

Despite increasing opposition (see 1, 2, 3), warnings about biological and environmental risks and more (see 1, 2, 3, 4), there are still relentless proponents of using 5G and Internet of Things (IoT) surveillance technology on citizens in the U.S. and worldwide.

Activist Post reports regularly about 5G and other sources
of unsafe technology. For more information visit our archives and the
following websites.

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