Hi there!

Here's a quick sketch for my entry into @sethlinson's Surreal Art Contest, the theme is quite interesting since the surreal and incredible is lived by all of us nowadays within reach of the fingers... would not be this technological advance that we live a surreal reflection of the material world that we are? It may seem crazy thinking, but it leads me to believe that as we are connected through a device with remote access to the internet we plunge into a surreal reality where anything "is possible"... for example something that did not “exist” suddenly makes sense when being "viral" or when their life changes completely when they look at their crypto-coins and realize they are worth a good money... I know this may not be the right time for comment, but hey it's surreal, it might happen tomorrow!

I did not have to go too far to find my reference... a quick search in the browser and I could find the perfect image:

This is the illustration by Sir John Tenniel of the original publication of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, a story that in my opinion has a lot of influence on this surreal theme.


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