I just got strabimus surgery in India!

So a little background. I have what is called strabismus, which is often called a "lazy eye." Mine is specifically exotropia (one eye points outward). Now, in my case, it's a bit different as I have no vision in my left eye due to a childhood infection, so my operation was entirely cosmetic. I've always had this "lazy eye" since childhood, but as an adult, it just got worse and worse. I had a few consultations about fixing it, but they always came down to roughly $12 - 15k for the whole procedure. This included consultation, pre op visit, surgery, anesthesia, post op visit, meds, etc.

I had a vacation planned in India coming up due to my friend getting married, so I thought, "why not?"

I had my initial consultation, where they measured the angles, did pre op labs, and scheduled the surgery for the next day (I gotta give it to the Indian healthcare system. They were fast af).


These are my eyes before the surgery

The next day, I went in the morning, and they sedated me, and I was done in an hour. I went back to my airbnb, and just rested up.

Day 1.JPG

Immediately post op.

24 hours - Woke up with swelling subsiding significantly. Eyes were extremely crusty.

Gotta love Indian healthcare, because I walked to the pharmacy and just grabbed eyedrops that I was instructed to grab, and I didn't need a prescription. Got 3 bottles just in case for less than a dollar. Cleaned my eyes, put in eyedrops.

Eye feels sore, almost bruised. It feels like DOMS in my eye. It's not super painful. Just uncomfortable. Also, I feel like there's an eyelash in my eye.

Day 2.JPG
24 hours later

48 hours later - swelling improved. still the eyelash feeling. Constant discharge and discomfort, so uncomfortable. I feel like I want to go out and discover more of the city, but I have to literally wipe my eye every few minutes as there's yellow discharge consistently flowing out. The soreness is improved.

Day 3.JPG

Day 4.JPG
Day 5 - tearing/discharge is extremely annoying. I have to wipe my eye every few minutes. Eyelash feeling still there.

1 week - discharge has subsided a lot. That feeling of eyelash still there because I can feel my sutures. They used absorb-able sutures, so they should dissolve within the next week or so. As you can see, the swelling has gone down significantly.

Day 5.JPG

Overall, pretty good experience. The redness should subside within the next month or so.

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