Photos of me surfing in ocean beach. Upvoting waves and curating other surfers.





With Smart Media Tokens (and $10 steem) you can Learn to surf and get paid to do it full time while you promote steem.

In the style of Redbull and its sports sponsorships, I will find a way to maybe spray paint the steem logo stencil on my wet suit with a water proof paint, and I will also apply a steem logo to my surfboard, also EOZ logo on a wetsuit would look really amazing on the back, hey maybe even a few small bitshares logos on the arms. and a bitcoin logo on the front as well. I may as well use bitcoin to get people interested in the idea of getting paid fo surf, and a surf token would be soooooo easy with a smart media token

Steem surf sponsorships will be a luxury that we just get to do for fun when steem is back to over $8 per steem, when I am able to really upvote people multiple dollars per post, and have friends and whales upvoting my surf friends, well then people will see steem as a way to fund their surf lives... I will purchase a small extra wetsuit with steem logos on it for visitors and girls I bring surfing, and I will use steem to pay for it, and to pay for a gopro drone or a tracking camera to automatically videotape me, and the images and videos will be posted on steem and repeat the money cycle... that's just one way to show how steem and surfing can mix... surf sponsorships and competitions are just icing on the cake... the real value of this social surfing with steem is to bring lots of new extroverted beach goers to steem and have them.earning and using steem, and so when coinbase adds steem soon these people will be more inclined to buy some steem to power up and upvote their friends and family, and a CASCADE effect can happen here in San Diego where there are a lot of wealthy tech giants who could raise steem price with one move.... there is enough wealth around me to start a bull run in crypto all here from steem. I will be attending Republican fund raisers and local society meetings where all the wealthy La Jolla people meet, and convince them that buying steempower is a way for them to make money AND support their friends and family. for example my Uncle may want to buy steempower to give my cousin a job



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