It's Small But Organic Just Like Me

tastes amazing

BTW I'm comparing actual eggplants and my steem account don't get it twisted!

I have seen some inspirational gratitude for steem posts as well as some good honesty pledge posts here lately.

I was nominated to do my very own by @choosefreedom.. This is the meat and potatoes of the challenge..

  1. Develop your own post about supporting honesty or fighting abuse on the Steem blockchain. Your post should be as detailed as you want it to be.
  2. Make your own challenge promise statement and banner
  3. Tag the post with #supporthonesty
  4. Nominate 7 people to attempt the challenge

First I will address the fighting abuse portion. I myself am too wee to be able to have any impact on any abuse as I might see it. While I am not here on steem seeking a livelihood and thus not concerned about any retaliation that might negate any of my rewards I'm also not here to fix the place with my magic flag wand.

While I do love to stir the pot and offer some provocative observations it's not in my nature to police people by penalizing them for how they play the game. In hindsight I wish I'd never invested so much effort into destroying my blissful ignorance and following the steem trails..

As concerned with the honesty part I can only speak for myself that I've been very much transparent that my method of steeming is organic. Not being driven by the skewed economics I've had no interest in maximizing my ROI or being anything other than myself.. I have self voted on occasion but again I'm such an insignificant account it's a harmless act. In fact I was unaware of the 15 minute thing until a month ago so all of my self votes were voided 😂.. If I'm honest I don't care what people do or don't do with their stake, I see myself as a very unique steemian that's more of a fly on the wall or more accurately a pesky mosquito. The disease free kind, but with a larger than you'd ever imagine proboscis..Unlike the mosquito my intentions have always been of a symbiotic nature not a parasitic one and steem isn't mature enough for my vision. My approach is still the same as I wrote in my introduction, I can only add to my original minnow manifesto that I wish there was more of an emphasis put on mobile first design. I love the engage initiative and #humanizesteem movements as well. I'm hoping to stay in the loop so that when a better foundation is laid I might have a voice that isn't associated with a rep score, SP, or any numbers other than how many people can say that skramatters has integrity and if there were a million others like him we would be well on our way to bridging the income inequalities throughout the world and cracking the power vacuums of the real controllers..

My pledge is to not quit without telling everyone to kiss my ass... 😘

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