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You are with Jess Wandering - Wanderer of world

Hi Steemit

My name is Jess Dales and you also can identify me with Jess Wandering on many social sites.

I just tickled the digital currency world and suddenly hunted steemhunt and through steemhunt I found steem social platform and supersteemian android application. So this is my first post.

So this is some highlights of my website.


Welcome to Jess Wandering! Your home for bucket list destinations, captivating visuals, and all things travel. These are the moments that stay with me long after I’ve returned home.



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Some places always feel like coming home. But for me, home has never been a box with rooms, a yard, and white picket fence.

I tried. I really did. Less than two years ago I spent my days behind a big desk, in a small office, with nothing on the white walls except for the law degree that I thought would be enough. I was restless, couldn't focus, and was definitely not at home.

I wrestle with WHY I'd ended up behind that desk. When I was really little I wanted to be a doctor. Then entomologist, photographer, journalist, veterinarian, conservation biologist - I could go on and on.

Point is, at no time do I remember wanting to be a lawyer. And all those paths I didn't take, they haunted me. So I walked away from the desk.

I'm still working out the how and the why. I figure it's important to keep asking the big questions, especially the ones without clear answers. I've decided to be an active participant in creating my story. Everyone tells a story about themselves. Always. All the time. That story makes us who we are. And I want my story to be a good one. A happy one.

I definitely don't have it all figured out. When I feel particularly lost I try to remember who I was before the world told me who I should be. I can feel little pieces of that person returning when I'm on top of a mountain, swimming in an alpine lake, or wandering down a dirt path. For me, that is home. That's where all the world's distractions and expectations quietly fade into the distant background and I'm able to finally see the forest past the trees. And it is where my story takes place.


Exploring Cenotes In Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula

Exploring Cenotes In Mexico’s Yucatán Peninsula

A Winter Wellness Getaway In Sun Valley!!

A Winter Wellness Getaway In Sun Valley!!

Chasing Winter In Finland

Chasing Winter In Finland

The Stories Behind Your Favorite Posts of 2018!

The Stories Behind Your Favorite Posts of 2018!

South Tyrol & The Italian Dolomites

South Tyrol & The Italian Dolomites

Happy National Take A Hike (Birth)day!

Happy National Take A Hike (Birth)day!


[![You don’t have to travel far to experience something beautiful! It was so nice in Seattle last week, so I decided to get out for a quick sunrise hike. Doesn’t matter how many times I’ve seen this particular view, there’s something about watching the world wake up that always puts a smile on my face! 😃✨

As I’m sure some of you have noticed I’ve been partnering with @backcountry this year to help you get outside - near or far, high or low! And this month I’m excited to talk more about some of the outdoor apparel brands, like Houdini, that not only help me do the things I love, but help me do them in a more sustainable way. 🌎🤗Houdini is implementing some truly inspiring new technology to make sure their clothing is as environmentally friendly as possible. Including a composting program that closes the lifecycle loop on some items. Crazy stuff! 🙌 -
Use code JESS15 to get 15% of your first order at #sponsored #goatworthy](](

[![Looking for fish! 🐟 How many can you see? I spy two big ones just under the surface! 😃💦 #ispywithmylittleeye

Photo: @everchanginghorizon](](

[![There are so many little beautiful details in this life that are often neglected for the big stuff. Life is transient - Today is the day to love harder, remain present, and positively impact the humans that pass through our lives. Even if it’s just with a smile. It’s a small gesture. But with it comes the huge acknowledgment that you see them. That they matter. And sometimes I think that’s the biggest gift we can give each other. So I’ll start: you are not alone. I see you. And I appreciate you! 🤗

Photo: @everchanginghorizon](](

[![It’s been crazy nice in Seattle the past few days! The sun is shining, birds are chirping, and I can’t stop smiling. I guess that’s one thing about living somewhere with long dark winters—you really appreciate those moments of blue sky! 🌞 Almost feels like alpine swimming weather out there. 💦 But I have a feeling if I tried I’d come up with a mouth full of snow! 🙈❄️ I’m happy to wait though. There’s plenty to enjoy down here!

Photo: @everchanginghorizon](](

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