WOW !!! 3 Super Human in the real world

3 Super Human in the real world

1. John Chang (human Dynamo)

John Chang is a famous physician treatment and acupuncture expert in Java, Indonesia.

John Chang, who was also given the nickname as "the human Dynamo", he always refuses the documentation in any form.

Until in the early 1980s, a team of reporters came to him and asked to heal one of the members of a team of reporters had.

the team promised him not to broadcast its ability to the public, and finally he agreed and wanted to show you some of his ability in front of the camera team.

John Chang showed how he can generate high electric energy directly from within your own body.

The incredible ability, he demonstrated in various ways, such as when he could burn paper – newsprint with the energy contained in its own right.

In addition, he also demonstrates his ability when a reporter holding his stomach and is made up of electric energy in her stomach, which make the reporter's hand as exposed high-voltage electrical stun. But after the video was aired to the public, he was never seen again.

2. Dave Mullins (Fish Man)

Dave Mullins is the original New Zealand freestyle divers who has held several world records. He has the rare ability who recognized the world, one is able to dive as deep as 108 354 metres or feet without oxygen and without any equipment.

He also managed a record-breaking upon himself, namely diving and then swim so far 244 metres with the duration of up to 4 minutes and 2 seconds, just in one breath.

With how to train his muscles strain to keep working, although no more oxygen.

She is able to swim farther and longer than all of the divers on the planet, Dave Mullins is the winner.

3. Ma Xiangang (human Power)

About 50 years ago, Ma Xiangang see rays similar to lightning, which makes him curious and looking for the origins of the rays is similar to lightning apparently comes from a power cable that is broken.

Then he tried to fix it, but he does not know that he would keep power cord was still having a high-voltage electrical flow.

But she can hold it and has since made him know that he is apparently immune to electrical voltage.

At the last trial Ma Xiangang can hold electricity amounting to 220 volts without any injuries. He can also create the light bulb lit up by way of holding it, and other parts of the body to touch the high-voltage power source.

After so many years, finally Ma Xiangang became addicts flow of electricity, up to now he really feel refreshed by the flow of electricity.

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