Impressions of Avengers End Game movie...


I am a extremely late iron man fan, it was the charactor of iron man coming abroad avengers series that drew to watch 2 movies of the avengers series. Here besides most loved charactors from iron man, there are other super heroes always facing a challenge to work together to overcome some challenge and save the world from some very difficult and impossible situations. They fail many times but then join up to give their all to win the ultimate battle after losing The war.

The allure of the avengers is the super heroes coming together and brought into life from the marvel comics.

In avengers end game, things start in a sad plight, all heroes fail in saving the villain from eliminating half the population of the world. That puts all the characters into depression and retirement.

And they all need to overcome guilt, depression and take the baby steps in becoming whole again.
They could have accepted the reality, and see the brighter side such as with lesser population the world is better, but many lost someone they love and wanted to bring them back.

So, there is a lot of love and emotions of softness, love comes across as a value, and lot of friendship based attachment and trust is here and there.

There are some portions of wisdom showered here and there such as -:

  • you don’t need to be someone you are expected to be but you should be that someone that you already are, completely.

  • true friends actually believe in you no matter what, they don't even judge you from the past mistakes. And this gave power to a character to be their best, it’s like a second chance.

  • you can amend your past by doing good actions in the present and future, the universe only forgives you.

Speaking about second chances, the movie was all about second chances and alternative ways to set the courses and make things right.

Lot of backstory stories of characters were explored, giving audiences a more all around perspective into the lives of the various characters and people who were significant to them in the past. There was healing for the characters meeting people who were significant to them in their past.

It was a little delightful that as Avengers go into the past, we get to see old action sequences(: … and in that chaos now they have a role to play and the past selves of themselves in various scenes turn out to be a bit of a hindrance to them for the goal they had to pursue now. It was fun and I feel the bits of the sequences that happened in the past connected and joined nicely with the new squences coming on with these people from the future doing something going back to the past where they were involved doing something else. Pretty incrediblely managed that!!

In end game, all characters are a different version of themselves. Doctor Banter has learnt to embrace his angry side of him; the Hulk , and it’s nice as well, the new Banter is a super hero cool Hulk man, so he is not serious and destructive.

Ant Man, atleast I see him for the first time in this series and Tony Shark has grown more mature with his old countenance. Pepper who was earlier slim,sleek with a professional secretary appearance now is plumby being way older which only fits the scheme of things as they have grown old. She and Tony are a family now with a child, which made Tony at first rather a unwilling party to get back to the super hero changing the world stuff by venturing to the past.

Apart from Banter that looked like a creature than a man, there were other creatures in the story, which made it rather sweet I think(: , some squirrel creature also joins avengers team to save the world.

Women avenger Natalia plays a very significant role, she has throughout the series been action packed, and a strong fighter with incredible combat skills, so definitely avengers has treated us with some girl power which is lovely. Here, she too plays a brave role, not merely out of brute strength but acting out of loyalty and friendship.

A sense of family, community, humanity echoes when you find a niche that gives you a purpose where you can do something that makes a positive change, for Natalia, Avengers team has been like her family, where she feels she belonged after having a past she’s not happy about as she was orginally groomed to be a assassin. This also shows that you can impact your past, by doing something now that changes the present so past actions don’t define you(:

There were charactors who opted to turn to support the hero team side after being evil villains earlier which just shows that everyone has a choice to choose who they want to be.

There was too much animated action with power and in the end so many superheroes show up to fight villain and prevent him from destroying the world.

And my favorite super hero dies, yes iron man): ...but he saves the world and universe stuff, not through physical strength but through a brave move of sacrifice.

He was happy to have a person from the past come back, and that was Peter Paker, the adolescent spider man.

But overall the movie was entertaining...well connected story and plot, dry humour with action etc.

It’s just a movie, but it’s good feeling and a proud one that your favorite super hero saves the day.

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