Climbing the Pyramid of Fandom - Open the Factory Doors


Hello everyone!

To check the previous chapters about Superfans I have the links at the end!

Today I'm in-depth on Chapter 9 - Open the Factory Doors!

Sharing more of who you are and what you do with your customers and soon-to-be customers can go a long way in making your audience more engaged! As a brand, as a creator, as a company, you need to harness the human love of seeing how things are made, because by doing so, you'll build a stronger brand and a more connected community. Take your active audience behind the scenes to give them a glimpse of how your brand works and foster their love for connecting with you and others in the community.

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Back in the day I always loved to go on school trips to visit factories and how things were made! I remember going to a very well-known glass factory and seeing them crafting manually the melted glass and blowing and making that round shape of cups and jars.

Businesses with physical places to show their "magic", especially these old school ones, maybe are still alive today because of those trips and visits! At least I hope lol

And there's always that TV show that I sometimes like to watch called "How it's Made"!

Four reasons why the "factory tours" are important:

1. It helps your audience appreciate the quality and care behind the product.
2. It makes your audience feel unique and special
3. It connects your audience with the people behind the brand
4. It gives your audience something to share

For online businesses, transparency should be the key to completing the "Know, Like and Trust" that any now and then some of us talks about!

Since there are no physical places for some online businesses, how can they show their "factory"? How can these owners be trusted?

By being present!
By sharing their journey alongside the community!
And not doing once or twice a week or month, every single day!

Creating a portfolio through content creation, either blog posts, social media posts or emails, from getting to know them to sharing experiences, good and bad, and engaging with possible comments from that content it's a good way to start and ongoing consistently!

Screen-sharing videos and making a tour of your program can do the trick too! Even better, other members doing walkthroughs and reviews, that is the best way to show "how it's made"! Because owners are biased, but if members do it, that's another perspective.

Public chat group rooms are good for constant presence and better support for the community!

Webinars are a good way to engage with the community live, as well as share insights of what they are doing and show updates and possible improvements on the program!

And now there's a cool thing today that you can use for transparency that can combine with what I mentioned above:

Having your business built on Hive can provide that transparency some people need to feel the trust in that person or brand because everything from posts to transactions can be seen by anyone!

Another idea is giving loyal members access to private chat rooms where they can have exclusive training and support and program insights earlier than the rest of the community! CTP has the Inner Cirle :)

And maybe there are many other things that you can do but it's 3 am as I'm writing this and can't come up with more at the moment lol

If you know other ways to show transparency and make people know, like and trust you and your brand, comment below :)

Thank you so much for reading!
See you next time!



Previous Superfans Chapters:

Casual Audience to Active Audience

1 - Learn the Lyrics
2 - Breaking the Ice
3 - Create Quick Wins
4 - Drive the DeLorean
5 - Return Every Handshake

Active Audience to Connected Community

6 - Let Them Take a Shot
7 - Let Them Decide

8 - Create a Challenge


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