Monster Energy Cup 2020 - Cancelled


Morning Hivers,

Firstly sorry for the lack of updates lately but with the world as it currently is right now it was a case of putting work and staying safe as my first priority and making sure that i could ride out this situation. We are starting to adapt but a few are posiling the party and moving us backwards in progress... Not totally unexpected but disapointing for sure...


Another disappointment is that Feld Entertainment, the company that runs the Monster Energy Supercross series has announced that the event has been cancelled for 2020. As the envent was always held later in the year during the off season fans were hoping that it would be possible to run after the pandemic was winding down. The original sheduled date was October 10th at a new stadium in LA but now the 2020 outdoor season is due to conclude that very same day. Combine this with the fact that all other major sports will be fighting for use of the stadiums during this time thanks to their respective season delays it's just not going to be possible to run the event anywhere.


Feld Entertainment

"The Monster Energy Cup scheduled for October 10 will not be feasible this year, due to other leagues starting their seasons and the difficulty of securing an appropriate location. Supercross Futures National AMA Championship will also be cancelled."


With all these factors coming into play i think this will be just the start with all other off season events falling like dominoes this year... Sad times but we will come back stronger guys!

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