A material has been found that will superconduct in your kitchen refrigerator!

The electrical holy grail takes a step closer to reality; with superconductors at much higher temperatures than have worked before. No longer do we need liquid Nitrogen, But one of these compounds super-conducts at 7 degrees C (44 degrees F); which can be reached in a home refrigerator!


This is HUGE, and is the first time they have had a possible power line material. We are not there yet, BUT, this is a generational jump over the previous high temp material that was -70 C. Study of WHY this is happening, will widen our understanding of the superconductor material, and how it works. This usually results in more new material, at higher temperatures.

A No Loss transmission line is a game changer, that reduces the gear needed to carry power cross country; those two combined, will reduce electric costs overall.


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