Shameless custom Funko Pop Plug...

Keeping this one short and sweet..

I've been debating about trying my hand at a custom Funko Pop for awhile now. Funko cranks out all sorts of glow in the dark Pops and for the most part they are pretty shitty. So when the Hot topic exclusive SSGSS Vegito started to slowly restock online a light bulb went off.
The metallic blue of Vegito's hair would be the perfect color for a glow in the dark Pop. After searching around and reading more reviews on paint then I ever thought I would I found a color I liked from a company called Art n' Glow. With Vegito and paint in hand I attempted to not completely destroy a brand new Pop. This is attempt number 1 and I think it came out pretty decently, definitely need to work on my fine line work but I'm happy. I present to the steemit world Glogito!20190423_162303.jpg

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