Words of Devotion at the end of twilight

When you rejoice, your excitement does not go beyond your right. When you are in power, you do not take anything that is not yours. "That's a believer.

Do not ever stop dreaming ... because nothing is impossible ... as long as you want to fight to achieve it

Respect does not always bring friendship, but friendship can not exist without respect.

One of the things that can not be recycled is the time that has been wasted. So make sure you use every time well.

Do not really expect what the world can give you, But give the best to the world, Undoubtedly the world will be a more beautiful place.

Happiness will not run out just because of sharing it. Know, happiness increases when you are willing to share.

When the problem comes to it, it means God loves, not hates. God only tests faith and patience.

Wisdom does not mean never wrong. Rich does not mean never difficult. Success does not mean never tired.

Do not underestimate others. No one can be a great person by disparaging others.

Hope it is not just silent, but still pray and try. Dreams are not to wait for, but also to be picked up.

Not forever we feel happy just as we do not always suffer in both of them there is good for us in gratitude and patience.

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