to friends the words of a late afternoon

From late afternoon.

I'm writing this as a form of gratitude, to have been bestowed with your best friend.

Togetherness that will never rust, even if our distance is far away, let our lives alone, let our story is different theme, let our drama play is different script, let life lead us go to different destiny.

I write this as a thank you.

Over the burning in my chest, as I watched my best friends fly up to the clouds of science, hovering in the lifelong learner's atmosphere, then I gasped and woke up, walked, ran, jumped as high as I could reach . Although not yet fly, but just proof and a little cry, my friend .... I also fought as hard as I could!

I'm writing it like a story, a story I'm going to share with everyone.
For a separate distance apart time. That in every fall, every wake up, every one of you, every sorrow, every joy, every time I go through in my adventure story, I always remember you.

To scoop the spirit of the days we once passed.

To make a flame from the embers in the heart, that on the other end there are the same friends struggling, just as surviving the oscillations of exams for the test, as praying in every chance he has.

I write this as a form of prayer.

From this stretched distance, may He make our hearts gather together for a long time.

I wrote this, from a late afternoon

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