COMING MARK OF THE BEAST - Vatican warns of 'Possible Collapse' of Earth's Livability, SEEKING TO INFLUENCE the International Monetary Fund and World Bank

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"The Vatican's secretary of state warned July 5 that humanity is facing a 'possible collapse' in the Earth's ability to sustain life, as part of a two-day conference hosted by the Catholic Church to urge global leaders to mitigate the devastating impacts of climate change ... The Vatican's Dicastery for Integral Human Development is hosting the July 5-6 event among some 400 global faith leaders, scientists and politicians with hopes to influence separate meetings later this year of the International Monetary Fund, the World Bank, and the U.N. Climate Change Conference."

SEE ALSO - We in the Great Ark should heed the Pope's warning on the environment

SEE ALSO - Al Gore: Pope Francis a MORAL FORCE for solving climate crisis

SEE ALSO - Vatican unites experts from 150 countries to save the planet

Oh friends! Can you see where we are headed? The world is 'wondering after' the Papal beast, and the Vatican is influencing the leaders of the world to adopt her climate agenda, with one specific thing in mind - to have her Sunday rest law enforced around the world. And what better way to "help the climate" than to shut down one day a week. This is what the Vatican, that first beast of Revelation 13 is seeking through all of this. And what is the Vatican also seeking to influence? The FINANCES OF THE WORLD! Remember what Revelation 13 said? 'No buying and selling', unless you take the Papacy's mark?

But remember, Revelation 13 tells us that it is the second beast (America), being led by the church leaders (image of the beast), who will cause the world to take the Papacy's mark. And with the cashless society being put in place, they will have just the tools to stop us from buying and selling, if we refuse Rome's mark. Keep watch friends! And give your all to Jesus Christ, as a time of trouble is coming for God's people, and it is only through Christ dwelling in us that we will be able to go through.

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