

Man has often criticized himself for daring to assume that his tiny world is the very center of the infinite universe. The astronomer, the engineer and the navigator have no criticism of this assumption, for without it, their·work would be impossible. In order to locate himself on the globe, which is infinitely small in the vast expanse of the cosmos, man must assume that the bodies he deals with afe located in.reference to his own planet's position and not in reference to others in the universe. The sun and stars are relatively small compared to the expanse of man's own horizon .
Arabic word meaning pole star. Centuries from now Vega will be the pole star and ages ago Thuban was. The most important star in these two constellations, as far as the navigator is concerned, is Polaris. Polaris is not truly the pole of the celestial sphere, but is a little more than a degree from the pole. The true pole is approximately on a line between Polaris and Mizar. The light from Polaris pulsates or twinkles very much like a beating heart.
Aries a very small constellation as these groups generally go, marks the beginning of the Zodiacal year and is overhead in the month of December. Aries represents the mythological ram with the golden'fleece for which Jason was searching. One eye is marked by the bright navigational star Hamai.

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