Anthony Bourdain (a reflection)

I'd never read anything by Anthony Bourdain, or watched his show. I had only vaguely heard of him as a chef. After he committed suicide though, I felt like he was part of some sick club, that I also had a connection to. And so I had to watch his "Parts Unknown". All 8 seasons.

Does great creativity automatically include a deep and destructive self-loathing? And am I naturally drawn to these people, or is suicide such a problem that everyone is touched by it in one way or another?

Even though he is dead, I am painfully jealous of his life. This is the dream, right? Travel and experience everything that is on the worlds plate. Ultimately, if someone can achieve all that Anthony Bourdain achieved and still commit suicide, what hope do the rest of us have?

"That's the kind of personal accountability id like to see more of really"- he joked about a man who committed suicide when two ends of a tunnel the man built didn't meet. It was kind of horrifying to hear, since I was watching it after Bourdain himself committed suicide.

It’s so strange to feel so connected to a person that I’ve never met. And even stranger to feel connected through his method of death, rather than anything else we might have in common. Ultimately though, I “can’t believe how strange it is to be anything at all”- neutral milk hotel- in the aero plane over the sea

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