Self-Love Is The Key To Ending Depression


I read a few posts on Steemit this morning that I really want to comment on. I will not name the people who posted. But they centered on depression and even people committing suicide. My heart goes out to anyone who is depressed. I used to be chronically depressed. I did not want to be alive at all. When I could not stand my life anymore, I knew I had to do something drastic.

I quit my job, packed up my life in Chicago and moved down to Tennessee to live with family. This was June 2010. I have been through so much soul searching over the past seven plus years. I have had so many life reviews. Done a lot of forgiving. And felt and purged a lot of pent up emotions. But the most important thing I did was learn to love and accept myself as I am now.

There is no one in the world like you. You are a beautiful spark of divine consciousness. You are a magnificent jewel. Who you are is absolutely perfect. You are good enough and deserving and worthy. The only one who can fill that hole inside of you is you. Fill it with love for yourself!

How do you love yourself? It was not easy. But if I can do it, anyone can. It takes discipline and determination.

•First, forgive yourself and others for all of the perceived "wrongs" in your life. Once you realize everyone was doing the best they could under the circumstances, you will be able to cultivate compassion.

•Second, drop your expectations and attachments to certain outcomes. Be open to endless possibilities and things unfolding in amazing and even miraculous ways.

•Third, turn your self-talk and thoughts from negative to positive, and eventually learn how to quiet the mental chatter altogether. For example, when the negative self-talk starts up, just stop it by saying: "Everyone screws up. It is a part of life. The important thing is I learn from _____ . At least I had the courage to try _____." And use mantras like "I am beautiful and unique, I deserve love from me."

•Four, get out in nature every day. Nature soothes the emotions and opens the heart to the wonder and beauty of life.

•Five, find some form of physical activity you love and do it every day. Physical activity is great for boosting feel good chemicals in your body.

•Six, find a creative outlet for processing your emotions: whether it is writing, photography, painting, sculpting, cooking, sewing, programming, etc. It just needs to be something you are passionate about, something that puts you in the flow and quiets the mind.

•Seven, treat your body well. I became a vegetarian and stopped drinking alcohol except for a rare glass of wine or beer. I have never felt better or had more energy.

•Eight, be true to yourself and live with integrity. I live my values. I abide by the Golden Rule. I spread love and kindness wherever I go.

•Nine, focus on the blessings in your life. This may be hard at first. If you can only find one thing to be grateful for, do it. Then find one more thing. Then one more. Keep focusing on that gratitude.

•Ten, look at yourself in the mirror and say "I love you." I don't care how stupid you feel or whether you believe it or not (you won't at first; you might not even be able to look at yourself in the eye). Keep doing it every day and as many times a day as you can do it.

Loving yourself is the key to ending depression. You will end up becoming one of those positive people that you used to despise (because you were jealous of their outlook).

Much love to all. Contact me if you would like further advice on how to deal with depression in yourself or in a loved one.

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