Winter cane eat more benefits

Sugarcane, one of the winter fruits, is also the only stem plant in the fruit. Because of its sweet and juicy, sweet juice, high sugar content, known as "syrup warehouse," adults and children are very fond of eating.

Chinese medicine believes that sugar cane has detoxification, thirst, lungs and dryness effect. Sugarcane water content as high as 84%, rich in sucrose, glucose and fructose, sugar is an excellent raw material, but also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals. Not only can eat sugar cane thirst, but also provide nutrition, supplement energy, relieve fatigue, suitable for patients with hypoglycemia.

Sugarcane is a crude fiber content of fruits, not only to moisten the throat, throat protection, chewing sugar cane, the equivalent of cleaning the mouth, which plays the role of health care teeth, can be called "oral cleaners." As the saying goes: "winter cane will not be tooth pain", mouth odor, stomatitis patients may wish to chew more sugar cane.

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