Success or Failure - Who Determines your Fate? You Never Really Lose.......

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Why is it that some people soar upon success effortlessly? Moving from one successful venture or task into the next. While others bust blood, sweat and tears, only to remain exactly where they were as the week & year before. One step forward, two steps back.

Are some people just chosen for greatness and others cursed? Does the blood of kings & queens flow down through generations? And the DNA of worker bees or slaves embedded in the blood that run through the veins of others?

Can one break the cycle of despair and rise up? Can one fracture the barriers that may have plague a generation before, to achieve success for the next.

A person never lose, either you win or you learn from it.

There are so many books, seminars, videos and even hypnosis to instill self worth. Positive reinforcement tactics, self awareness, inspirational posters & motivating posting through social media encouraging us to succeed. Never quit mentality. Driven by commercials, movies & sports figures and yet for some......success seems to elude them perpetually.


While I can't qualify as an professional adviser, I can however, piece together a half century of life experience including my own personal triumphs & tribulations. To provide a point of view analysis.

First, what is SUCCESS?

  • dictionary version is, the accomplishment of an aim or purpose.
  • a person or thing that achieves desired aim or attains prosperity.

What is Failure?

  • dictionary advertises, the lack of success. The omission of expected or required action.

We should start with success and failure perceptions.

I'm not going to get all preachy on you. But I do sometimes like to go to a great source of sorts. My road map for guidance from time to time. Bear with me here.

Open bible,

I believe God ~ GOOD looks at what is perceived to be success differently than people do.
(1 Samuel 16:7)

God looks at success in a manner where it's a win- win situation for everyone. Not a I win - you lose or you win - I lose kind of scenario. Whether everyone came out a winner is what the success is.

Which brings us to this......

Why has our society been built upon this concept. Where someone HAS to win therefore someone WILL lose???
Have we actually set ourselves up for a slow paced social deterioration. A competitive mentality, who is the superior being. and if you are weaker, therefore you are inferior.

It's so, that humans have actually pay to watch one another success and fail. Sporting events are now a norm part of today's society. The few select are paid nicely. Athletes are paid and cherish better than our teacher. Is that really a successful outcome?

We are ALL humans with faults,benefits, gifts & defects. We're human!

Photo by Kelly Searle

What happens when all the winners win, all the successor succeed. If all the failure that went we start changing the rules so that more failure come out of the winning pool?

When all the perfect people are perfect, do we change the rules so that now imperfect can be found within the perfect pool.

So do you see...... who makes the rules to conclude that one over another is a failure?

.......that's where the real dialogue needs to be understood.

It shouldn't be anyone judging you outside of "YOU"!

If your failure was in the process of achieving a personal goal. Especially something that you are passionate about....who should care if things don't go quite right or if it flopped belly up. Is it REALLY a failure?

It's not........! It's a step in the growing process. Failures ask the question, are you passionate enough to continue, to grow. Failures ask, what have you learned. Failure are our teachers, our motivators and should inspire.

Any task, "where you know" you gave it 100%. Well, that's success not a failure!

Smiley face, be positive.

Yes, you are responsible for your own life. No one is greater than any other. Especially when it comes to material things, physical being or life's situations.

Just you!

You can be a success to one group yet a failure in other. So who is judging your success or, a hater, jealous co-worker? WHO's to judge you? Who has the right?

That ole saying, do something you really love and it's not really work! Right?

That works fine of course in terms of success or failure when pursuing a personal goal. What about when it's apart of everyday life?

What if the failure is brought on by life's environment, society or just human interference. The likes of prejudice, dis-respectfulness or bullying. Some experiences are completely out of our control.
In the sense, we still have to go back to who is the true failure. The success or fail is again, one's perspective.

Photo by Dayne Topkin

If a person is teased because of their physical being, say their weight, to short or to tall, doesn't speak like the others. Who is the true failure here. Certainly not the person with the physical differences. Differences is actually grand. Who wants to wake-up to a world where everyone looks & thinks like one another? Boring.....

The failure is the incompetent, who would degrade another human being who has no control over their attributes. Because in reality....they, the bully, can change the way they look at life, people & situations. Thereby reacting differently. One only has to look at the situation as an empowerment. From this person's negative ignorance, their weakness, their failure is really another's own strength. The other's own success.

Just like an incomplete goal. One finds out what not to do or to do differently the next time. Here you learn who are not your friends. And one learns to move on and hang out with better people.

That's success.

If you want to fly, give up everything that weights you down.
Life, oh what a life we live in.

What I'm simply saying is. We are our own success story. Most times it's only an incompletion not a failure.

No-one but no-one except you, writes your story. Until the very, very choose to write another chapter the your story. You write it's end how you want it to!

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Excerpts from Got Questions Ministries -

"How does the Bible define success?"

He also abundantly provides good physical gifts to His children (food, clothing, houses, etc.), and He loves to do it (Matthew 6:25-33). Yet, most of us, at one time or another, focus on the gifts rather than on the Giver.

Because we are focusing on the wrong things. That may be why the Lord sometimes limits His gift-giving to us—so we do not stumble over the gifts and fall away from Him.

Always look on the bright side of life.

Picture two hands. In the right hand there are the offer of true contentment, the ability to handle life’s problems without being overcome by them, amazing peace that sees us through all circumstances, wisdom to know what to do, knowledge and constant direction for life, love for others, acceptance of ourselves, joy no matter what, and at the end of life, an eternity with the God who freely gives all these gifts. The other hand holds all the money and power and success the world has to offer, without any of what the right hand holds. Which would you choose?

“Where your treasure is, there also is your heart” (Matt. 6:21).

There is NO real success nor only LIVE or you LEARN!

It's about your perceptive.

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