Winston Churchill’s Top 5 Famous Success Quotes


Winston Churchill was a remarkable politician. His great speeches still touch souls and will do so forever. He was a gifted orator and an iconic author. Being the Prime Minister of the UK at its most difficult time in history, the Second World War, he was faced with unimaginable challenges. Great was him that he managed to guide the country through that difficult time. His quotes and speeches evoked hope and optimism to the world at large. His legacy lives on and the remnants are the insightful quotes he left behind. They will be forever important.

The following are Winston Churchill’s top 5 famous success quotes:

“Success is not final and neither is failure fatal: it is the courage to move on that matters”.

This was particularly important in those war days as its literal meaning is direct. It serves to underline the fact that courage is the all important factor in a contest. Whoever wins or loses, courage overrides both. Everything is not about winning or losing, it is about showingindefatigable and unrelenting courage.

“An optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty while a pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity”.

This is rather direct. The bottom line is the difference between an optimist and a pessimist. As an optimist focuses on succeeding by overcoming the difficulties on the way, a pessimist always complains about those difficulties. Normally, a difficulty in life is followed by success and thus a pessimist fails to succeed when he/she gives up upon encountering a difficulty.


“Success is moving from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm”.

This underlines the Importance of perseverance as the master key to success. It is clear that if one gives in to difficulties, the journey to success is curtailed and that person does not succeed. Overcoming failure each time you stumble on it is the only way to succeed. He further added: “Never, never, never give in”.

“Never give in, never, never, in anything small or great, petty or large, never yield to anything except to convictions of good sense and honor. Never give in to a force; never give in to the apparently appalling strength of the enemy.”

The road to success is no easy route and that is why most people fail before they succeed. Churchill therefore underscores the importance of persisting until one realizes his/her goals. Persistence is borne of failure to give up; it is the mother of success.


“The price of greatness is responsibility”.

However great a person aspires to be, he/she must pay the price of being responsible. The path to success involves being responsible to one’s aspirations and dreams as well as those of other people around you. Being responsible to a small estate indicates one will also be responsible if accorded a big estate. Success therefore involves taking care of all the small achievements realized along the way.

These are just a few of the many quotes that Churchill gave. They are true today and applicable in all situations. It is pretty clear that success is the result of toil, sweat and tears. Success is not achieved on a silver platter and Churchill went a long way in trying to make this clear tor all generations of mankind. His wisdom lives on.


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