EARN it!

When you don't do something you don't earn anything. Your output depends on your input: we do not plant maize and reap oranges. You are the artist and the prime mover of your own life. Make it beautiful and move on. Make an effort and your efforts will make you.

I don't believe in hardwork neither do I believe in smartwork nor so much carfulness: I believe in diligence

Don't focus too much on hardwork: why do you try to breakthrough when there is a door? Also, don't sit there and say "I'm only being careful": don't hide in darkness trying to dodge a snake when there is a beast behind you that you may not even know. Don't just be smart but Work smart with carefulness

Have a vision but don't be in haste to get there ...Even the all powerful God created the world in seven days...one at a time. He just could have commanded everything to come in a day but no! He had a PLAN. Have a plan before you take a step then you know where you are going.

One step at a time. We will get there! 💪

@sam.kwame.steem inspires

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