Thought of the Day: March 14, 2018 - Admit Weakness


The first step towards a successful life is to admit weakness within yourself to yourself. This may not be easy to do but when you can do this, you open yourself up to new possibilities.

Many of us go through life not thinking about our weaknesses so we continue to not live the amazing live we know we should be living.

Do you know what your weaknesses are and what is causing them?

If you do not know, I recommend you sit down, take some time to reflect on this. You can get a pen and a paper and write it all down.

There is something about getting things off your chest, figuratively speaking. It allow you to breathe different and expect different results .

Why? Because noting is bottled up inside anymore.

Many times, you and I have a hard time when it comes to admitting our own weaknesses but can spot the weaknesses of others quickly.

I recommend you reach out to people who know you best like, family, friends, co-workers or a coach and ask them. I suggest you only ask people you trust. Hearing someone tell you your weaknesses can be overwhelming.

Most people don't spend time focusing and admiring weakness. They focus on what they are good at, and I also believe that is something we should do.

But again there is something freeing about admitting your weaknesses to yourself. You find ways to enhance your own ability to be a better person when you know who you really are.

If you do not trust other people for whatever reason, a suggestion would be to sit down and meditate on this question.

In meditation, you can see where you are strong and where you need to focus. This can help you admit your weakness to yourself and allow you to start the process of improving yourself through self-love.

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