How To Be Successful in Everything


Though success is subjective depending on the current situation. I do believe that there is one way to achieve success in everything. Here is my story:

I went to college for 2 years and dropped out.

I don’t really count my first two years because I didn’t learn anything I used in my profession. I am currently a software engineer for a multi-billion dollar corporation. I'm also the only female in my engineering team and have been for the past 4 years I have worked in the tech industry.

When I first started on the road to computer programming, I was lost. Completely and utterly lost. I had no idea what anything meant and I had the case of imposter syndrome. As time progressed, I learned a lot about programming and am now running my own startup.

How did I become successful?

By always being a student — in life, in my career and in everything.

I taught myself how to program. It was hard. Really, really hard. The days that I wanted to give up, I remember thinking —

“What the hell am I going to go back to?”

I did not want to work in the nightlife anymore so I pushed myself. I attended hack-a-thons. I applied to tons of jobs and every time I got rejected I would ask for feedback. Most said lack of experience. But I knew that at least one job would hire me. Sure enough, it took 4 months, but I got hired! From there, I continued to immerse myself in programming. Figuring out ways to solve complex problems was very hard at first, but with lots of practice, asking lots of questions and huge curiosity, it became easier.

I worked my way up from there. Never giving up. Staying humble and always being a student.

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