How To Become A Whale On Steemit...Advice For The Rest Of Us

How To Become A Whale In Steemit...Advice For The Rest Of Us! (1).png

So you have joined Steemit!

(Congratulations! You are going to love it here.....)

It's an exciting new platform that has the potential to change the internet forever. And with that....A lot of fake promises and myths about what has people so excited....

You may start seeing claims of instant riches, massive payouts and millionaires being made daily....And it doesn't help when you start seeing payouts that some of these posts earn....Daily...
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And here you are a month or so into Steemit and your paydays from your posts look like this...
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So much for the early retirement....

It can get frustrating and I think because of these expectations of instant riches you will see a lot of the newer Steemians come and go before they even get started. Maybe it's Steemit's fault, maybe it's the age of entitlement, maybe it's the boogeyman's fault...

Let's blame everyone, it's only fair :)

I know who we can blame...The whales! They are keeping all the money for themselves!!!

Not so fast...

I personally love the whales in Steemit. They paved the way for you and I to be able to even use this platform today. Hey it's not perfect and there's things that will change over time but let's take a look at some strategies I think could work well for the rest of us!

'Whales in the making' will need to;

  • Take our time!

  • Put in the effort!

  • Spend the...Money!

Time! - That's right, spend about 6 months in this community before you write it off and say it's not worth your time. Think about relationships with people in the real world. You just don't meet someone and then 'presto' you guys are BFF's. (Do people still call it BFF's?) It takes time to build relationships and it takes time to grow them. Spend the time WITHIN the community and take part in discussions...Trust me, people will recognize legit contributions to the discussions and you will be rewarded!

Effort! - Create awesome content! Hey I'm not saying what you write should be a Pulitzer, but spend the time to create something that has value. And don't worry all you newbie content creators, it gets easier to write and create the more you do it. Which comes back to the need for 'time' in your formula for Steemit success. Spend the time and the effort to create something that will be talked about, resteemed, upvoted and commented on!

Money! - Wanna know the big secret to creating a path towards becoming a whale? Invest in the platform! Sure if you have tens of thousands of dollars to drop and believe in Steemit, you'll be on your way in no time! But for the rest of us, it means dollar cost averaging our investments. In my case, I buy a few Steem every day or every other day and then Powering Up. I'm in it for the long haul, so this just makes sense. Slow and steady will win the race....

There's a whole lot more I can talk about in my little time here on Steemit, but what I've seen from most successful people in this platform is that they follow those 3 points to build their accounts up.

Spend the time, the effort and the money....You'll see some great results!


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