Will you really achieve your new year goals?

While everyone was screaming, jumping, and getting all excited yesterday about the New Year celebration, the picture of how we went through the same exercise the year before would not just stop playing in my head. We go into every New Year with big dreams, aspirations, and plans, our worship centers are usually filled to the brim on days like this one as everyone is trying to ask for help and guide for the New Year.

Then, the journey into the New Year begins and people begin to work and work again and before we realize what is going on, we get to the end of another year and different categories of people gather again:



Some have achieved their dreams and goals for the year.
Some who have lost everything they brought into the year.
Others who have experienced more tremendous growth than they imagined.
Then we also have the category of people who simply have their lives the same way it was the previous year.

Asides from unfortunate uncontrollable circumstances which could possibly make one lose all his fortune, it lies greatly in our hands how we plan to end the year and enter into 2023. After the celebration and partying has ended, it is important to have a deep reflection and make a decision to grow and achieve all your set plans before the year runs out. Carefully consider the points I will be listing out below as they will help a lot in helping you achieve your plans for the year.

Are your goals realistic?

It is a good thing to start the year with goal setting but ensure that the goals and achievements you have written down are those goals that are within your reach to meet, this is very important because you do not want to put yourself under unnecessary pressure during the year or feel like a failure at the end of the year. Carefully consider your current capability while setting goals, it is good to dream big but it is better to have a wise thoughts.

Are you ready to work hard and smart?

In order to fall under the category of people who will meet their goals for the year 2022, you will have to give in to hard work, you will need to eliminate everything that has to do with procrastination and laziness completely and give in to hard and smart work during the year.

Are you ready to prioritize investments over luxury?

In order to have those goals achieved, some pleasurable moments will have to be sacrificed and some of the luxurious items you would love to get might need to be postponed until you have made required investments. To get to the point of hitting a huge financial goal this year, you will have to prioritize investment over luxury.

May we all have reasons to rejoice at the end of the year buddies. I wish you a wonderful experience all through the year.

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