Focus On What's Important


It's Friday and almost weekend.

Goals and the Journey

So we each have a limited amount of time here on this Earth, and the day is only 24 hours no matter who we are, so how we spend that time is immensely important.

And as many before me have concluded and myself too, the only things that really matter in life is friends and family, and how you take care of them and yourself.

It's also very important to have fun along that journey, and it really is the journey that's important, the goals are just there to provide inspiration.

But that being said, it can also be hard if those goals are far away, and life gets in the way of reaching them.

For my part, I have very large debts that I will have to work very hard to pay off, which is the reason I made the promise to myself that I would pay them all off before the end of 2020.

And as I said, in order to make that happen I need to create a monthly income of $5000 to $10000 by the end of 2019.

Now that also brings me back to the journey and having fun along the way, if I am going to make it, it has to be fun and inspiring and something that I really like to do.

Focus on what's Important

So by concluding those 2 things, the need to create an income for paying off my debt and having fun along the way, so that I can keep on working towards the my real life goals, what is actually important is to combine them.

And as I have made the decision to create this income online, my main focus should also be on what I like to do online, and use that to make money.

This is where Steem and the Steem network and all the dApps come in, it's fun, it's inspiring, and I really like it here, and I would even go as far as to say that I have friends here.

So #STEEM is therefore my number 1 focus, with my Daily Blogpost and the posts in between, and the community that is here, and engaging with other Steemians.

The number 2 focus is therefore also easy to conclude, to spread the Steem message to as many people as possible, to further Steem adoption, and to help new Steemians.

And that's also where my 2 upcoming ebooks of Steemit Blogging & Funding comes in.

So the mumber 3 focus is then to keep creating ways to combine Steem and making money online, by creating rebrandable ebooks and funnels that accomplish that goal.

  1. Steemit Daily Blogpost, and engaging with the community
  2. Further Steem adoption
  3. Combine Steem and affiliate marketing

That's my focus, and this concludes my post.

Thank you for reading, follow and like if you do, and have a nice day and weekend.

Erik Gustafsson

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