Keep Plugging Away Until You Win

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He was hungry for success. Over a decade ago, I ran into some people online that had a burning desire and an inner confidence that they'd make it. One day while looking for something to watch, I came across a video of a guy sparring who never gave up.

Now back then it was as hard to get attention online (if not harder), as some of the platforms we have now weren't available. Bored, I watched as this boxer from NY with a big heart, kept uploading video after video.

Make Your Presence Known

He was everywhere, In sports and boxing related chatroom's, on Twitter, and just about any place that he could gain access with his keyboard. But like many seeking eyeballs online the initial results were paltry. Videos with so few views that I eventually shared some on my Twitter account.

I only interacted with him once or twice, telling him that I had a feeling that if he kept it up, he'd make it. Not that he needed much encouragement from me mind you, this guy seemed to have a bottomless well of confidence and positivity.

The other thing that I noticed which served him well was his work ethic. If he wasn't in the gym, he was online when I went to bed and at it again when I woke up. He was constantly putting himself out there.

Haters soon followed who made fun of his bodybuilding regimen as he used whatever was at hand to get the results he wanted. He put up with incessant teasing and gave as good as he got.

"Houston, We Have Liftoff!"

Eventually, I moved on to other things but always wanted him to find the success that he wanted. One day, I saw a news story about a man who was doing some sort of skit on a flight that made national news. And there he was...

I'd known him years prior as "ShortyAdam" but you know him today as YouTube star Adam Saleh with almost 5 million subs.

As I'm looking at my screen, I thought "Oh my God, he finally did it!" I was so happy for him. He's touring all over the world and now has a global fanbase. But I remember the dude in the boxing gym with big dreams in his head, who knew exactly where he was going and had a pathway to get there.

"ShortyAdam" ain't little no more...

So the lesson about his situation is: Never give up on your dreams.

Don't be dissuaded by the struggles of the moment. If he had given up during those lean days when I was sharing his videos with my Twitter audience, he'd have never found what he was looking for.

Keep plugging away, as most success happens either gradually, or in a sudden burst after years of slaving away in obscurity. Be everywhere on Hive, and willing to work hard to get what you want, and one day your dreams will come true.

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Image Credit: [1] @EverNoticeThat Created using Canva

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