We Must Save Communities From Substance Abuse

In the last decade, the rapidly increasing use of drugs and many factors that have developed accordingly have entered life and changed the agenda. Therefore, one of the most important social problems of our world and our country; substance abuse and use. This addiction slowly begins the task of poisoning the world of the individual with the psychology or environment created by various reasons. Before we begin to tackle the addiction in question, we need to set its limits. First of all, what is substance? What products are called substances? Let us explain the answers to these questions.

Awareness is the most important point to be established before starting the treatment process in substance addiction. Being conscious of what you are doing and its consequences. The factor that will initiate, sustain and end the liberation phase for an addict; awareness and desire. No power or factor can preserve an individual from his habits that have become a behavior without his consent. As a matter of fact, even if the intoxication of the drug brings awareness to the person, it will be inevitable to return to the relapse stage by not being able to withstand the withdrawal symptoms if there is no desire.

Although addiction is not limited to sharp lines, it has been divided into stages with various studies. The reason for this is to determine the methods to be used in the fight against addiction and to select treatments that vary according to the stage.

To briefly explain these phases, the first phase is the “Pre-Awareness” phase. The person is not yet aware of what he is facing in the world of addiction he has just entered. It is not possible to talk about treatment for individuals in this period. If a person does not see anything in his life as a problem, he will not try to find a solution. Mini-seminars and conferences for health awareness can come into play at this stage. The next phase is the “Awareness” phase. In this period, although the person becomes conscious of the harms and effects of the substance, he does not give up his addiction.
The limited practice that can be done at this point is the activities that will motivate the addict.
The “Decision Making” phase is the breaking point of motivation studies. The work of dependent and related officials will be easier. Because now a step has been taken to quit. The "Action" phase adds a person who believed and made his decision. At this stage, the addict took action to get rid of his addiction by putting his will to work, and he succeeded in getting rid of his behavioral habit. But at this point, the most important point to be considered is the conversion again. The stage in which this attention is paid is “Maintenance”, that is, to stay clean. The person who can show his acumen in this phase will come to the end of his struggle with the "Exit" phase. The dependent, who cannot prevent their pleasure, will return to the "Relapse" phase and a more difficult process will await him.

Substance addiction, whose formation, development and stages we are talking about, requires intense effort and time in its struggle. In this context, important responsibilities fall on governments, non-governmental organizations, teachers and families, especially nurses and health professionals working in the field of public health.


An addict should not be excluded by his family, but should be with them with conscious support. The factors that will remind him of his desires should be eliminated, and his circle of friends should not break the relationship network. If it is under the roof of the school, the teacher should listen to the student and approach the student without getting angry and judging, and ensure that he is transferred to the guidance service. For individuals whose solution is not possible in the family and school environment, the Substance Addiction Treatment Center operating under the Ministry of Health will be the right option.

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