Will Have to Turn Around-- The Failure of the Failure Will be Seen Before The Front:----- Aim In Life----

If You Are so Much Upset About Your Own Life Then Read This Whole Story Again and Again. Hope You Will Get Proper Solution After Read Whole Story....

Let's start with a prisoner's story. Prisoner number 46664 At the age of nine, he lost his father. Having fought for the rights of the people, he spent 19 years in prison for 27 years. In prison, he obtained a degree in law through distance education. After the liberation in 1990, he won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993. He is the favorite leader of African people 'Madiba'; Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president. The torture of the ruling party, the long imprisonment did not prevent him from resolving anything, he repeatedly raised his head to stumble. Nelson Mandela said, 'Do not judge me on the basis of my success, judge my failure and on the basis of failure after failure.'

It is in front of the Front:--
st.6.jpgBy turning around, people tell their vigorous existence, take stand against cowardice and cowardice. Nature wants people to always go ahead in front of all. Do not let the tiredness of the back fail to stop him, lest frustration should slow him down. Naturally, for the birth of man's birth. With a tiny fly, the thousands of eyes around the eyes of his thousands of eyewitnesses can see 360 ​​degrees, because of the eyes of the two sides of the house, they see only about 300 degrees, and nature has given people the ability to see only 180 degrees with two eyes as well! We do not see any other side than the front or back. This means that we do not want to go back, we should move forward only to the front. If you walk in front of you can not be run at all times, you have to stumble, never stop, but you have to go ahead in the end of the day.
We need to make our mind ready to stand up for this to continue. To prepare our mind, we need to know what kind of mind it is. Neuroscientists can say that the mind is in the brain, and the brain is in our head. Cardiac experts may say that heart and heart are in the chest! Economists can say money is money and money in pocket! The poets said that the mind is in the heart and the heart is to the other! If someone asks whether someone has seen or not, everyone will say no one has seen - this unseen mind can be compared with the river. The river breaks like a river, the mind also breaks. Just like the river, the mind becomes dry like a river, like a storm in the river, it feels like a storm. We need to be skilled in making this mind like a floating river.

It is Important to Create Energy Levels:---
For this, first of all, create a level of energy within yourself. Never be self-motivated, it can not be thoughtless. Negative views should be changed. It is important to remember that people's intelligence is the highest. A man can not easily break if this emotional combination is done properly.

Not Everyone is Full of Dreams:---
Our current life is not all about dreams. We are happy, we are very sad. Some have success and some failures. If we persist in failure all the time, success can not enter. Failure to make the place of success will have to be removed from the mind. Since childhood, it is necessary to have a fresh habit of adopting a failure. For this reason children can not be targeted, they will not be able to accept a slight failure, they will easily break. If you have to teach children to fail, they will be able to revolt in any situation.

Social Skills Will Increase:--
In some cases when social skills decrease, when it is rolled back into itself, it feels very small. Can not start again with enthusiasm. To be socially, he has to be skilled. If you are socially skilled then you have less pressure on your mind, your mind is healthy. Internet social media is required to take an active part in real social events without spending more time. Only then will the social skills increase, the ability to think positive and will never give up. It will be easy for them to take bold steps.
Find out the liberation of life. It is important to see the power of seeing, the power of hearing, the power of the smell, the power of feeling, the power of humor and the power of love to be properly utilized.

Read, Read and Read:--
Read something out of textbooks or office files. A small family library at home can help to create this reading habit. Apart from this, the practice of singing, music, painting and dancing in its own culture will help to increase self-confidence. Family conflict, conflict, drug addiction, uncontrolled anger, unhealthy envy, mischief, using unjust energy, trying to establish itself, and practicing immorality in the profession, makes additional pressure in the minds of family and members of themselves. This reduces self-confidence. These things must be avoided. Besides, technology to be used logically to avoid self-centricity and not being addicted to the technology to protect the personality of the person. Because, there is no alternative to technology to advance. Do not stay away from technology for fear of poker.

Problems Will Be Faced:--
The problem can not be avoided anyway. Conflicts should be faced, self-criticism is important, but it should not be considered to be small or despicable. The practice of taking small decisions will be done from childhood. Then it will be easy to make real time decisions. Do not always depend on others.

Do not Have The Rate Near Despair:--
Those who grew up in the world never lost to despair. Due to his boldness, he went ahead with the belief in himself. Steve Jobs, who had no house, friends had to sleep on the floor of the house - returning the bottle of used soft drinks, earning five cents, which he would buy food with. Every Sunday night he used to walk seven miles to the Iskon Temple to eat just one-to-one meal - he was the father of Apple Computer. Our national poet Kazi Nazrul Islam has been working in the bread shop Dokhu Mia. Keeping these examples in mind, we have to be brave. Being confident will have to roam all the way through the use of Muktodan. source from BD news...

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